electric bill



Ok right now I have pc's. I am going to add two metal halides. Lamps don't know they will be 250's or 175's.
Do these burn alot of electricty or not a big deal. And is it worth it to get the electronic ballast or just get the magnetic. I have been bouncing this back and forth and don't know what to do?
The magnetic setup with 2 250's bulbs and all adn refectors. For 250 shipped and the 175's are 25 less than that.


To calculate your monthly cost:
Watts per lamp x Number of lamps x Operating hours each day x 30 (average days each month) / 1000 x Cost per kilowatt hour (I pay around 7.5 cents)
Hope this helps.


I was very surprised at how much my bill went up when I added a geismann 150 HQI. i would estimate that your bill will go up 20 bucks per light a month.
7.5 cents per what ?an hour?


Active Member
Without getting into specific details, my reef aquarium adds about 10% to our electric bill. I have 660w of VHO.


Active Member
also, I wanted to clarify something to the formula given above to calculate electrical cost.
If your cost per kilowatt hour is 7.5 cents, when you multiply the cost per kilowatt hour at the end, you don't multiply by 7.5, you multiply by .075 so that your end answer will be in dollars, not in cents.


Great thanks for all the help. I got it. It comes out to about $5 a month for one 250wat lamp. I called the power company and they told me it would be about $4. So it got me in the ball park. Thanks for all the help.


I can garuantee you my bill went up about 20 when I added 1 150 watt HQI metal halide. it may be a coincidence, but I have never had electricity bills like I have the last couple of months. since adding a MH.


maybe so Kip. my bill last month for a 2 year old house with 2000 square feet was 295 buks. My wife crapped on her self. maybe I should show her this thread so we can take the blame off of the fish tank.



Originally posted by Cathbad
To calculate your monthly cost:
Watts per lamp x Number of lamps x Operating hours each day x 30 (average days each month) / 1000 x Cost per kilowatt hour (I pay around 7.5 cents)
Hope this helps.

I'd expect a couple bucks more a month during the summer time for the additional A/C load - for those fortunate enough to have A/C. :)