Electric company and your reef


I thought it would be interesting to see what people pay a month in electric bills to support our addictions. Lets post what your setup is (size, lights, ect.) and what your bill is. Ohh and for what it's worth lets see some pics!
I am just curious because my electric is included in my rent so I can only imagine what the owners think when they get the bill every month.
I have a 46gal bowfront with 192watt pc. I'm in the process of putting together a 95 gal w/ either T5, MH, or combo. (not shure yet).


Active Member
my electric bill is well over 200$ a month (I live in maine electricity is pretty cheap here)
75G reef
2x 12g reefs
about 20 individual habitats for reptiles, some with filtration (semiaquatic) lights, heat pads, uvb, heat emmitters, and so on.


Active Member
My electric bill is almost as much as some people pay for an apartment, Vegas has outrageous eletric rates. When I added all the equipment up, I have
3x250w MH
4x96w Actinic
1x250w MH
2x65w Actinic
2x9w fuge light
another 4x96w Actinic
9 Powerheads (maxijet)
2 Powerheads (seios)
4 mag pumps
4 skimmers
Estimate for all this is about $125+ per month and this price is just for reef equipment


If you look at your entire setup you can figure out pretty close the kilowatts you use per day. Then just look at your bill and what you pay per kilowatt. Then you either say 'Hey that's not too bad' or you start to get sick and say 'Oh my god, I better not let the wife know about this.'


Thats not as bad as I anticipated. I was waiting for numbers in the 300's to come out. Still I'm glad I don't have to pay it
I plan on geting a house in the next 5 years or so when I'm out of college and have alittle money saved. Then it will be time to hide the bill from the fiance.


Active Member
Well, that's something I am still to scared to look at and I don't even have my MHs up yet. My bill runs $167/month all year, it's averaged out so I don't have a $300 bill during the summer (which I did when I first moved to AZ). So, I need to figure out how much Kilowatts I'm using now as apposed to last summer, but I'll wait until after my MH's are up.
I won't see an increase though for a while until they average out the entire year again and then BOOM, I might be in the poor house. I have a 125 gallon tank and will be running two 250W MHs. Oh, and I also have a swimming pool, but that $167/month includes the electricity for the pool.
I'm also concerned about the water bill, that increase I will see soon as I just hooked up my RO/DI system up and I loose 2 gallons a day on the tank, and 1" of water a day in the pool.
Who knows, the water might end up being more expensive.


My total bill is about $250. But that's to A/C a 2800sq ft house. The actual fish tank useage is probably around 50-60 bucks a month.


Active Member
My setup consists of 130 watt lights,2 powerheads,fuge light, skimmer, mag 5. This runns about 150 yr


Originally Posted by reef46
I thought it would be interesting to see what people pay a month in electric bills to support our addictions. Lets post what your setup is (size, lights, ect.) and what your bill is. Ohh and for what it's worth lets see some pics!
I am just curious because my electric is included in my rent so I can only imagine what the owners think when they get the bill every month.
I have a 46gal bowfront with 192watt pc. I'm in the process of putting together a 95 gal w/ either T5, MH, or combo. (not shure yet).
I hope my wife never figures it out.


Well unless you have a huge tank, the power bill wont be that high. Usually what consumes the most is chillers and MH lights. Oh the big pumps also.


Would my bill be alot? I don't have it setup yet but I'd like to know what a ball park figure would be.

I'm getting a...

AGA 65 gallon with overflow
Gen-x pump- 600 gph
Total of 300 watts of MH (2x 150 watt setup retrofit kit)
78 watts of T5's (nova extreme retrofit kit)
2 koralia pumps (total of 1200 gph)
A few fans
Maybe down the line (only if I need it) a chiller or a calcium reactor!
What do you think? Estamates?