Electric scallop


New Member
hi....i got an electric scallop yesterday....imma just wonderin...is feeding it phytoplancton and havin some pods good?? or should i go buy some white snow ....what should i do??


Active Member
I have never heard of anyone having success with them. I had one and it died within 24 hours.


New Member
well it says they lasted for 5 or 6 months......i dont really have nething that will eat it and i am gonna spot feed it phytoplankton every 2 days,,,,,,,.....i dont really mind it messin my sand...........SHOULD I REALLY RETURN IT?


New Member
i did reaserch on what to feed it and what not.....sides.... i got it for a pretty good price.....hehe.....IMMA definetly gonna try and keep it alive..... ^_^......any recomendations as to what and when to feed it?


If you re-read the link, Bang Guy said "If you keep up the phytoplankton they'll survive 3 - 6 months. If you don't they'll only survive 3 - 6 months." Average life span in captivity is 3-6 months, if you feel this is long enough to have it then keep it, otherwise return it, it will starve either way.


Active Member
I think they need lots of phyto, and watch your water quality closely. All that phyto can foul your water up fairly quickly. Good luck! :happyfish


Ive had 2 flame scallops in myy 55 for about a year and they still look healthy. But and heres the big But. I keep a softy tank and there is I wouldnt say alot nutrients in my tank. They still have the electric movement and still catch them moving around the tank.