Electric Solenoids / Ball Valves


Anyone ever use large electric solenoids? I have ordered three 1" electric ball valves...mighty expensive at 250 each. I am trying to automate more of my system. I have newly plumbed my tank drain and tank fill into one line. The line leaves the CL system down into the crawlspace where it Ts off. This is where the two solenoids come in. They will be on either end of the T. If I am draining the tank then the one valve opens and the other closes so that it drains to waste. Obviously if I am filling the opposite happens. And of course the third is at the circulation pump in my water change cans. The pump circulates the RODI water all week and then the solenoid will switch so that the water is now pumped up the line instead of into the cans.
Just want to see anyone's success with the electronic solenoids and saltwater and such.
Only last thing I need to do is get an automatic hopper to dump my salt and my entire system can run without anyone doing anything. The lights are auto, the water topoffs are auto, the fill cans automatically fill up and shut down. now they will even drain and fill the tank.


Active Member
Sounds like you are building an impressive system. Were you able to get PVC solenoids and ball valves? Is it necessary?


Active Member
I've looked and toyed with the idea of using them on several of my builds, but the only thing that has really stopped me from following through is when you look at the price, and as you know their not cheap, but when you really dig into them and see what or how many life cycles you'll get I'm not sure in the end if they are entirely worth the money spent.


Active Member
If you check out Custom Aquatics, they sell the Hayward 2way and 3way actuated valves designed for salt....Again they aren't cheap and the life cycle is rather short when I consider shelling out that kind of cash.......But yes they have been used before.....


Active Member
If you check out the valves where I had mentioned they do put a cycle life expectancy on them. Could be give or take as well. I've followed threads in the past on systems that used them and they did fail over a period of time. Another alternative that is cheaper and possibly more reliable would be the big SCWD. IMHO less to go wrong with the unit and cheaper as well.
I do like the valves, but as I stated again all the ones I've looked at 2&3 way valves did have an expected life expectancy which in my mind couldn't justify cost and cost of replacing them when they do go down.


The SCWD doesn't allow me to control the switching. If you saw the OP this is to switch from a drain line to a supply line when draining and filling the tank. I want to open the drain and close the supply and drain the tank, then close the drain and open supply and fill the tank. The T is in the crawlspace where the change buckets are and the drain line to the house main drain.


Active Member
Sorry just skimmed the part where you mentioned CL.... It's a good gamble, but curiou as to why all the automation? Are you that busy to entrust draining your system on a mechanical valve???


All that stuff is located in a 3-4 foot high crawlspace. I am 6'6"....you can do the math...haha. I am trying to avoid crawling into the crawlspace every week to turn ball valves and I was definitely trying to avoid the extra clutter under the tank and 1" tubing through the walls. Thats all. With all this being said, I am currently crawling down there to do drains and changes...I just need to get a salt dosing hopper and I will be set!


Active Member
Have you heard or checked out a product called reef genesis? I happened to stumble on it the other day and might interest you. Reefgenesis.com and check it out.