Electrical Cost$$$$


Electric costs of a 55 gallon system. give or take. Water has been neglectible. But I am suspect of a 200 kilowatt increase in power consumption. I have two powerheads, a 200 watt heater, a aguaclear filter, a seaclone skimmer, and a two bulb flourescent hood. I would say it is no more than the FW tank that has been in the house forever. Any ideas?


Active Member
Depends on your rate.
Between my 175reef and 300agressive, I'd say 40bucks.
That is cheap.:yes: I have a 90 and plumbed to a 55 in the basement. About $50 increase.


New Member
something i actually have knowledge on....
read all of the tech. specs on your equipment, add the amperage up and buzz me back. i can tell you what to expect as far as adding another circuit or a monster power bill.