electricians please help!!!


Also, is it 15amps maximum going into each plug or 15amps going to all the plugs/outlets that are running off that circuit? (I don't know if I'm using the term "circuit" correctly, but I'm talking about all the outlets going to that one switch in my box).
btw, the switch at the breaker is labeled "15".


Please excuse my lack of electrical knowledge, but by "circuit" are we talking just one plug, one wall plate (two plugs), or all the wall plates that are controlled by the one switch in the breaker box?


The outlet that wasnt' getting power mysteriously turned back on sometime later in the day. Didn't touch anything.
I'm waiting for a returned phone call to exchange the pump or get it fixed. Luckily I have good circulation in my 90 reef and my 40 fish only for the meantime (They were both hooked up to the same return).
Just have to manage until I get the pump replaced (hopefully soon)!!!


Any circuit (all the outletslights) on that circuit controlled by the same breaker should not excede 80% of the breaker capacity. I was an electrician's helper for a contractor for a while and that is one thing (among others) that I learned.
Examples 15amp circuit = 12 amps max
20amp circuit = 16 amps max
and so on.. Just my two cents


zibnata hit the nail on the head about the back stabbing. Its one of the biggest causes of my service calls. But, that outlet would need to be the last in the circut if it was the only one not working. I am guessing that you did something, moved the outlet when you plugged something back into it, something to get it going again (to make contact if it was indeed not making a contact to the feed. I would still get the building maintence to check out that outlet, to make sure all connections are secure, and to possibly prevent a fire. I myself would also get him to change out the outlet to a GFI (GFCI = ground fault circut interupter).


you still need a gfi outlet.It protects you and your fish from electrical shock. It will detect any short or leak in the equipment and cords and blow the outlet before it nails you. Thats why it is code to have gfi outlets near bathroom and kitchen sinks. If a hair dryer falls into the water it will trip the outlet immediatly. If you dont know how to install one (they are about $10) you can buy one that just plugs in externally( about $40 which is cheaper than an electrician ) then you plug your stuff in.A surge protector protects your equipment from electrical spikes.


you can get it online from aquarium supplies. I dont believe sfw.com has them.You can plug a surge protector strip into this, but make sure the outlet strip is in a spot where it doesnt get wet.


Cool. When I get the time, I'm going to buy a few and install them in the outlets to my tank. First I'll check to see if maintanance will do it, probably not because it cost more money. There was a good link on one of those sites showing you how to do it yourself.


Get maintenence to check that outlet, tell you are having problems with it. Go to lowes or home depot or whatever you have close to you and pick up a GFI that is the same color as the rest of the outlets in your apartment. Be there when they come to check the outlet, and hand it to him, asking him to put it in. he has to inspect the outlet and make sure its working and hooked up ok, so while he has it out inspecting it, it would be maybe 5 minutes to change them out. But make sure to tell them that it was not working, but when you plugger into it and wiggled the plug around, it started working and you are worried that there is a loose connection in it.
Good luck, And if you decide not to do that, then do what zibnata suggested.


Don't mean to step on toes here. I have done electronics and electrial wiring since 1993. I would have my Electronic Engineering degree by now, but I am not real big on that whole school thing. The ground fault interrupt system may or may not save you. Yes it will help your fish, but you may not make it. GFI is incase of direct short. The best thing going to save you from stray and accidental voltage is a ground probe. Your LFS should sale titanium probes to set in your tank or sump. They plug strait to ground and ground only. They are only about 10 bucks and worth the money in your case(have juicetricity problems).