Electricity bill.


how much you guys pay for electricity bill this month???
i paid 180 bucks.
two power heads, 1 hanging filter, skimmer, UV strzr, fluval 304, 2 florascent light(48"), 1 flo light(20"), Rio 2500 pump.


I pay the same 180 dollars a month and I do not even have electric heat. Damn I wish it was lower but I would never get rid of my aquariums though.


Just the electricity was 76. It went up about 25 bucks when I started the tank.


Well right now with 2 tanks going I pay about $150 a month. That is one 30 gall and one 55 . I know when I just had my 125 up it was about 169-180 a month. ( but then again we ran into a real cold spell for a bit so the heat was on more ) I am getting ready to fire up the 125 full time... My o My will my power company love me... maybe I should make my own......


My o My will my power company love me... maybe I should make my own......<hr></blockquote>
Bob Goeman of FAMA fame is making a 180 reef in his office that runs off wind and solar power!
I can't wait to see that.


I should look into that. That sounds very interesting. Only one drawback... A calm cloudy day.......... :D


my highest electric bill was $580 last year January, when my heater was on 24/7 due to cold weather, one elec heater in each room and one for the dogs, now i average $285......still alot, thinking about solor.


Active Member
930 KWH's per month average.
$00.03386 per KWH billed by Shell Energy Services.
$31.49 bucks per month plus what Toledo Edison charges me - delivery charge, customer charge, transition charge, generation related component ( whatever the hell that is ), and a -43.42 dollar generation shopping credit ( whatever that is too )
All in all - about $100 bucks a month.
I gotta call these people and see what I'm actually paying for.


New Member
I used to have a power bill between 500 and 600 dollars but I had about 15 tanks running at the time.


Mine used to be $110 amonth but then i broke down a 20G and its down to $70 but I think it will spike up with the addition of an Icecap 175W MH. When I swithched over to my Icecap VHO's my power bill dropped, I love icecap.
i don't know and i don't care how much right now. my utility bills are all paid in the same rent bill.(except sat dish and phones) :D :D :cool: but we'll be moving to a home where i'll have to pay for it sometime this year :( so i'll guess i'll have to be prepared for the inevitable utility shock <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" /> <img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" />


Are electric bill was at $65...then we got the tank, now its at $160!!!!!!


well depending on the weather i pay anywhere from 80-180$ that is with all eletric in the house except my gas heater <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />


I live in FL -- We keep the AC set to 74F all the time, along with 6pc's (as in computers.. not power compacts) on 24/7 and the 120 gallon reef our power bill MAY hit $180... but usually it's $165. Talk about great insulation I love my Beazer home! :D haha