Electricity questions


Active Member
I have 2 250w halides on my 6ft as well. I placed the reflectors off center so that there is a little shade on both ends but overlap in the center. waiting for my bulbs to come in to see if it works out as planned. I went with 2 250W Ushio 20k's. going for the blue without having to run actinics at the same time


I got 2 250w halides bulbs from my LFS, at about 100 bucks a piece. Now I want to hook them up they a double end metal halides. Is there an good way to set them up?
I am loseing all my drive to keep my tank running. I just more money all the time. I dont know what to do or where to go? I am lost, no starting point.
I need help with the bulbs anyone who has done THIS before please help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DrTITO
I got 2 250w halides bulbs from my LFS, at about 100 bucks a piece. Now I want to hook them up they a double end metal halides. Is there an good way to set them up?
I am loseing all my drive to keep my tank running. I just more money all the time. I dont know what to do or where to go? I am lost, no starting point.
I need help with the bulbs anyone who has done THIS before please help.

OK, step back and breath for a minute.........

It's going to be pricey to do this, but it doesnt have to be too bad. Just slow down and build as you go. Also check here before you buy, you can PM me anytime you want. What bulbs are they that you bought? Online pricing can usaully beat out local pricing. Your going to need to save every where you go. You can get the XM 10,000k bulbs online for 65 each. Take those you bought back. Also, you would need a double ended socket to light those. Stick with single ended right now. You should be able to pick up a ballast kit for around 60 bucks also. I'll help you however I can, just be patient and bear with me. You can use a simple flat reflector for now(mirror), or pick one up online for about 30 bucks. If you can combine these then you'll save on shipping. Dont be confused though to think that any old reflector is good enough, it just aint so....quality reflectors are worth the cash....but you can upgrade it later.
You are going to through out some cash out the window sorta, just gotta be prepared for it. And minimize wherever possible. You be pleased though on down the road, I'd say the end but there is no end im convinced. LOL A reef aquarium is nothing more than a glass box you dissolve mone in.
Also, you do realize you can have a very beautiful low light aquarium?


I checked them out online they were very close and I did not pay for shipping.
The bulbs are ...HQI metal halide 250 watt double ended bulb. 14,000K super day light.
I figured I would spend more money just not now as you said. LOL A reef aquarium is nothing more than a glass box you dissolve money in..... I did.
I where can I get a bulb termanal? or end to light it. ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
I've not heard this before, I have workhorses, they are fine. Also the sunlight supply retro kits that I have installed have been workhorses..... So where does this info come from?
Missed this one. T5 lamp manufacturers design the lamps to be ran with a ballast using a program start and end of life protection circuits in the ballasts. The Workhorse hase neither (At least not the 5's and 7's that most often end up in T5 systems). I've done PAR tests on T5 using a workhorse and the lamp output is not constant. None of the other T5 ballasts I've done measurements on (Ice Cap, Dynamic, Sylvania/Osram/V.S., Triad) have this varied output


I returned the bulbs and got my money back. My lfs said he found a unit that has a 6 foot light reach across with one lamp. I will check it out then post the pics of it or aleast the speces on it.


Aqualight Advanced Series Pendant is versatile with a easy-to-use retractable lamp cord that adjusts the height of the fixture . The HQI lamp emits the hightest light-output-per-watt available that is preferred in most reef aquariums. The refracted light from the HQI lamp produces shimmering, dappled-lighting effects that simulate properties of natural sunlight in ocean water. It brings out vibrant colors and provides perfectly-balanced lighting for all types of corals and marine life.
this is themAttachment 205565
the lfs said it would shine up to 6 feet is this good enough to help my corals grow.


This is the lamp MY LFS said would work for 6 feet. jest one.
Attachment 205588
Aqualight Advanced Series Pendant is versatile with a easy-to-use retractable lamp cord that adjusts the height of the fixture . The HQI lamp emits the hightest light-output-per-watt available that is preferred in most reef aquariums. The refracted light from the HQI lamp produces shimmering, dappled-lighting effects that simulate properties of natural sunlight in ocean water. It brings out vibrant colors and provides perfectly-balanced lighting for all types of corals and marine life.
IT is MH so if any body has dealt with this lamp or brand tell me if they work. thanks



Active Member
Just one of those will not work, you'd have a section in the middle only light up. The outside edges would gradually fade out to being dark .so if that effect is what your after then it will. But I don't think that's what you want. I have seen a 6 foot tank lit by one MH and it has it's place. Two of those would do, but you wouldn't have any actinic lighting. So your tank would only be viewable when the MH were running. Actinics help to extend the viewing period without heating the tank, contributing to algae blooms etc. Generally speaking most will tell you to go with 3 MH, one for every 2 foot of tank.
The setup I have is a DIY canopy with 2 icecap electronic ballast retro kits with a spider reflector and XM 10,000k lamp. You can get these for 225 shipped if you dig around. Then I have a workhorse 7 ballast and 4 superactinc lamps. I just ordered 2 of my 4 tek reflectors for the actinics. I am also a little tight on cash, so I have to build a little as I go. You can do a NH set up on the cheap and pull it off .60 bucks each for a ballast kit includes the single ended socket,ballast and starter all you need then is a 12in square mirror to start with, a cord and a 65 $ or so bulb. Some have been reporting good success with those cheapo bulbs from the big site you

on. that would get you a few months to a year down the road anyways. Then you could upgrade the reflector as you can.
You will never stop dissolving money in that box. You'll just learn to become OK with it.


I figured as much. Doc what do you know about the brand and this lamp. ? should I buy one? are they any good?
I could buy one now then another in a month or so.


Active Member
That looks like the coralife pendant, but I may be wrong. I think current makes one similar. I cant personally vouch for either of those makers MH lights, but you generally don't here many bad things about the,. I don't believe they are going to go up in smoke like the odysea fixtures are claimed to.
That plan is definitely a viable plan. Do you get a choice of bulb color? Or bulb maker? If so go with a 250 watt model and something around the 14-15,000k color. At least that what I'd do. If you get a choice of makers( I'll bet you dont) then there's many to choose from. Do some research before you buy. Anyways, you can always change the temp and maker later when you need to change the bulb out.
You will likely want some actinics and moonlights at some point. I'm sure if your handy, those pendants could be disassembled and modified into a canopy or DIY type fixture.Or you may be able to do a DIY pendant that will run alongside the MH's for meeting this need.
DOH! BW I just realized you listed the name of them above. I havent heard of those before. Check into the above mentioned brands some.


they are coralife I think its a 10.000k bulb I will give it a try see what happens. And you are right I will be abel to change em out in a year or so. Tellyou how it goes.