Electronic Ph tester


Active Member
Anybody got an electronic Ph tester. I just bought one online and have a few questions.
It says to CONDITION by immersing the electrode in storage solution for 2 hours (first time used). I don't have any storage solution, nor saw any on sale. Will the buffer solution for calibrating do?
When calibrating it makes no mention of temperature in manual. Surely the buffer solution has to be at the correct temp, but how?


To store the probe in when its not being used. Have to keep the electrode wet. If it dries, it will be VERY unlikely that the probe can be calibrated. I don't know why this is, but I know it to be true. And as for the temperature, I would calibrate the probe while the calibrating fluids are the same temperature as the tank water that you will be putting the probe into once it is calibrated. That way it will be accurate once you get it in the water. I also use the distilled water to rinse the end of the probe while I am calibrating eg. dunk it in distilled water, shake it off (not completely), ph 7.0, rinse, ph 10.0 rinse, repeat. :) On a new probe it should take anywhere between 3 to 5 or so dunks in each solution before it will hold a calibration. Older probes will take more dunks.


Active Member
Thanx for the reply
On the one I bought it says not to store in distilled/deionized water.
To calibrate yours why do you do it ph7 and ph 10, this one is just ph7
anyway, this one is stone dead when i tried to use it, will have to exchange!!!


Active Member
Some meters are single calibration and some are dual point calibration. The dual point meters tend to be more accurate.
The is storage solution specifically made for pH probes.
Try searching some of the lab equipment web sites.


I have a PH 44 tester that needs to be re-cal'd. Just posting to see if you find a 7.0 cal solution. I'm looking too.


Active Member
Almost anywhere that sells the meters will sell the cal solutions also. The most common are 4 - 7 - 10. For aquarium use 4 is used for FW and 10 is used for SW while 7 can be used for both.
Search around the cal solutions are easy to find.