Elegance coral, dead...not dead


Yeah, I figured out how to post pics. Take a look at my poor elegance and tell me what you think. I've had this coral almost two weeks. It still has some color to it and until it has no flesh left I will hold out hope. Anybody had it look this bad and come back? :( I'm afraid it's a gonner.


from the picture I would say its a gonner.
from the way it looks there is very little if any living tissue left on the skeleton..

nm reef

Active Member
Definitely looks like a lost cause....I had a nice elegance that was in great shape for a few months then slowly faded away until all that was left was skeleton. One of the few corals I've added that simply didn't work out....shame too because they are beautiful corals.:(


Thank you for the sympathy. I really want to try another one. I am not sure why but all of a sudden weird things are happening to my tank. I've always been one to add things slowly. Guess it will be awhile before I add something new.