Elegance Coral - Ok for 14gal Bio-cube?


So, I have noticed a few pics of people with Elegance Coral in there nano tanks. I was wondering is there enough light in the 14 gal Bio-cube to support this coral. I have alway loved these and would hope to be able to get one. My LFS once told me you need at least MH lighting. But who can trust them!!!!!!!!!!!!
Photo by SWF.com

nano reefer

Active Member
i seriously doubt it. dont get one for any size tank. they never live. People buy them and they just randomly die in a short amount of time for no particular reason. Sort of like keeping great white sharks in captivity, even with the perfect environment they can't live.


I have an Aussie elegance in my 14 gallon Biocube.
Picked it up yesterday, after my LFS had been holding on to it for me for over a month until I got ready for it.
I've heard that elegance's don't do well in captivity, but I've also heard that this is particularly true of the elegance corals that come from the Indo Pacific. They don't seem to be as hardy as the ones that come from Australia. The LFS where I got my elegance has one in their 8 gallon Biocube as their only coral and it's been there for well over a year and I've always thought that it looked absolutely gorgeous. I told them that I wanted one just like theirs, which was pink with pink tips. The one they got in for me is actually pink with purple tips. I asked them what they fed it, etc.. They feed Phyto Feast and Roti Feast, so I picked those up, as well as some Arcti Pods for my fish. I've been doing a lot of reading on elegance corals as well as visiting another "central" board and PM'ing people who have had theirs for over a year, so I'm giving this one a try. Going to do small daily feedings and I always stay on top of my weekly water changes, so we'll see how it goes.
If it looks like it is not thriving in my tank, then I will take it back to the LFS and they know this. They've had theirs in an 8 gallon Biocube with stock lighting and it's thriving, so I'm hoping for the same luck.

Do a search for elegance corals on this message board. You will see a recent thread where some members had theirs under MH lighting and it almost killed them. They moved it to PC's and they're doing well.

PM New2Salt1 or Veni Vidi Vici.
ETA: Here's that thread: https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/313765/elegance-thread-post-your-pics


Thanks everyone, Looks like I have some reading to do. I will probally just stick with zoa's and rics, but who knows.


Oh, I'll still be doing some reading and watching this coral very closely.

I do weekly 25% water changes on my 14 gallon, but I've heard that the elegance corals tend to like their water to be a little "dirty" and that they like the excess nutrients.
I don't know how much I am willing to compromise my water quality if this is true... but we'll see!
You can PM New2Salt1, he has had a gorgeous elegance in his 14 gallon Biocube that thrived and eventually outgrew his tank. I'm sure that he can answer some questions that you may have regarding keeping them in a 14 gallon Biocube.


Active Member
That is some good info there Kat

Personally they are, IMO, the most beautiful coral that their is so I am anxious to see how well these do in our nanos.