elegance coral sting



Does anyone know how bad an elegance coral sting is for a persons skin? And does it produce toxin? Also, the same question goes for Frogspawn coral.
I have an elegance coral and I heard they can string really bad and produce toxins that will be harmful to the handler. I have touched it and have not gotten stung. My elegane coral is about 6x5 (lengthxwidth)inchs in length and I have yet gotten stung by it. Same with the frogspawn, I have not gotten stung by it.
Any experiences or advice would be very helpful. THANK YOU


Active Member
I scuba dive all over from my native waters in nj to my latest dive in hawaii and had an urchins stick me had some black urchin spikes break off in thigh. The worst sting I have ever gotten was from fire coral and they call it fire coral for a reason
fyi you can jump underwater. As a medic and a diver I can say this for a fact if you get stung treated the effected area with vinegar and if you have allergies to bees, wasp venom its on the same level watch for anaphylactic shock and treat accordingly. If you have a slight reaction to stings from bees, wasp a antihistamine can help reaction. Everyone reacts differently to everything you may just get a burning itching sensation to a major reaction. Again its pretty much along the same reaction to bees and wasp. But as with anything if you were to get stung and you don’t feel right seek high medical authority as in you doctor.


Originally Posted by sharkbait9
I scuba dive all over from my native waters in nj to my latest dive in hawaii and had an urchins stick me had some black urchin spikes break off in thigh. The worst sting I have ever gotten was from fire coral and they call it fire coral for a reason
fyi you can jump underwater. As a medic and a diver I can say this for a fact if you get stung treated the effected area with vinegar and if you have allergies to bees, wasp venom its on the same level watch for anaphylactic shock and treat accordingly. If you have a slight reaction to stings from bees, wasp a antihistamine can help reaction. Everyone reacts differently to everything you may just get a burning itching sensation to a major reaction. Again its pretty much along the same reaction to bees and wasp. But as with anything if you were to get stung and you don’t feel right seek high medical authority as in you doctor.
Really? Well first off thank you for the advice. I did hear that fire corals are pretty bad. I just didnt understand because I have touched the frogspawn coral (literally its tenticles) and same with the elgance coral and have not gotten stun. Or at least I didnt feel a sting. So I was wondering, do they deliver the sting whenever they want to? Or is it just...whenever you touch it, you will get stung? I work with a lot of chemicals (gasoline, oil, etc) since I work in the automotive industry and I dont know if my hands are sort of "used" to anything....because I havn't yet gotten stung. But thanks for the info and it all sounds pretty serious if someone can go into shock. I will be using gloves from now on since I bought some.


Active Member
That’s your best bet is to use gloves. I have a pair of coralife gloves they cover hands up just short of my elbow. I’m sure you know but I’ll say it anyway make sure you wash your hands and any uncovered skin after working with any chemical before going into the tank. To be honest i don't know if coral and anemones sting at will or all time the few brush in's in have had either stung the day lights out of me or cut me or ripped my suite.


Originally Posted by sharkbait9
I scuba dive all over from my native waters in nj to my latest dive in hawaii and had an urchins stick me had some black urchin spikes break off in thigh. The worst sting I have ever gotten was from fire coral and they call it fire coral for a reason
fyi you can jump underwater. As a medic and a diver I can say this for a fact if you get stung treated the effected area with vinegar and if you have allergies to bees, wasp venom its on the same level watch for anaphylactic shock and treat accordingly. If you have a slight reaction to stings from bees, wasp a antihistamine can help reaction. Everyone reacts differently to everything you may just get a burning itching sensation to a major reaction. Again its pretty much along the same reaction to bees and wasp. But as with anything if you were to get stung and you don’t feel right seek high medical authority as in you doctor.
never got stung with anything, but i got stuck in a cave in the bahamas on a shark dive....my dad was angry, and so was the captian of the ship, how was i supposed to know the exit was so small.....


Active Member
oh thank my lucky stars i have never come close to going near a cave let alone get stuck/lost. i think i would rather get stuff by that pin cusion or what ever it was and have the local hospital breach and extract the spikes out of my thigh again and risk the infection
then get lost in an a/w cave.


Active Member
I would completely, TOTALLY panic if I was stuck in an underwater cave. I'm afraid of being underwater as it is.Maybe that's why I like having a tank so much, I can just enjoy my fish here without having to go underwater and risk drowning myself.


Active Member
I used to never get stung from anything in my tank . Now it seems everytime I go in. I get stung!! :
flameI have been stung by hammer, frogsprown, condy and green carpet anenome. You would know it if you did. It feels just like a bee sting, liked being burned. Anenome is like that too but it is sticky and usually takes a layer of skin off where it touched you.


hey shark bait i am from manalapan. maybe we got stung by the same fire coral because i will never forget what that feels like. Have you been to oceanarium yet? Ive been working there and we usually get some pretty good stuff in.


I worked at a lfs for a year or so and handled all kinds of corals and havent gotten stung..............except by a coral that i do beilieve was a fire and dang gong my hand was tingling and scartch and some what burning for like 2 days!


SharkBait...I feel your pain!!!! I got stung bad by Fire Coral while diving in St Martin. I don't wish that pain on anyone. It got my whole arm and lower leg.


Originally Posted by Ohioguy06
I worked at a lfs for a year or so and handled all kinds of corals and havent gotten stung..............except by a coral that i do beilieve was a fire and dang gong my hand was tingling and scartch and some what burning for like 2 days!
Geez, sounds like some unlucky stories. I hope I never get stung by one of these.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jupoc911
hey shark bait i am from manalapan. maybe we got stung by the same fire coral because i will never forget what that feels like. Have you been to oceanarium yet? Ive been working there and we usually get some pretty good stuff in.
Yeah i have been in a few times checking things out seems a little new. The fish seem to be a bit big for the normal home keeper. i used to shop at tropiquarum but after i went to just give them my sailfin and some big hermits and they turn around and state we don't take anything back fish or inverts. we don't have hospital tanks for sick fish. So then that means you keep sick fish in the show tank, yeah..but we quarnetine that tank and turn the light off. Well needless to say i'm looking for a new saltwater store since all the tanks are piped together. So oceanarium maybe one of my new lfs, but i deal with another lfs up in wood bridge. i want to get a piece of fire coral from what i here they are hard to keep and hard to get. the next time im in keys i may grab a piece for my tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by HuntOaks
SharkBait...I feel your pain!!!! I got stung bad by Fire Coral while diving in St Martin. I don't wish that pain on anyone. It got my whole arm and lower leg.
yeah they call it fire coral for a reason and good luck to the person who has no idea what it is and they brush along it. When i took the hit i just bumped it
and my eyes blew out of head bounced off my mask and the other people we were diving with heard my scream and the word holy f**k under water. Its nice diving in jersey cause we don't have crap like that here and if we do my suits are to thick for anything to sting thru.


Originally Posted by sharkbait9
yeah they call it fire coral for a reason and good luck to the person who has no idea what it is and they brush along it. When i took the hit i just bumped it
and my eyes blew out of head bounced off my mask and the other people we were diving with heard my scream and the word holy f**k under water. Its nice diving in jersey cause we don't have crap like that here and if we do my suits are to thick for anything to sting thru.

lol, sounds like good times huh?!


Originally Posted by sharkbait9
Yeah i have been in a few times checking things out seems a little new. The fish seem to be a bit big for the normal home keeper. i used to shop at tropiquarum but after i went to just give them my sailfin and some big hermits and they turn around and state we don't take anything back fish or inverts. we don't have hospital tanks for sick fish. So then that means you keep sick fish in the show tank, yeah..but we quarnetine that tank and turn the light off. Well needless to say i'm looking for a new saltwater store since all the tanks are piped together. So oceanarium maybe one of my new lfs, but i deal with another lfs up in wood bridge. i want to get a piece of fire coral from what i here they are hard to keep and hard to get. the next time im in keys i may grab a piece for my tank
any of you guys have any pictures of your BAD stining corals, please post some.


Active Member
just picture a shot gun blast to any affected area w/o the blood unless its hard coral then blood too. Its red swollen and depending on what it is it may leave colored dots. The black urchant that i put my thigh on left black daggers, had to take vinager and a credit card and tweezers and ever so gently pull them out if they break your sol and your going to the E.R for surgical removal or you can leave them in and feel them go deeper into you. If i ever get stong again i will take pics. At the time the last thing you want is a camera flashing in your face.


Originally Posted by sharkbait9
just picture a shot gun blast to any affected area w/o the blood unless its hard coral then blood too. Its red swollen and depending on what it is it may leave colored dots. The black urchant that i put my thigh on left black daggers, had to take vinager and a credit card and tweezers and ever so gently pull them out if they break your sol and your going to the E.R for surgical removal or you can leave them in and feel them go deeper into you. If i ever get stong again i will take pics. At the time the last thing you want is a camera flashing in your face.

very brutal!!! Sounds very painful, I guess you have been more of a corals bait then a shakrs bait...haha jk


Active Member
Originally Posted by lbaskball
very brutal!!! Sounds very painful, I guess you have been more of a corals bait then a shakrs bait...haha jk
Yeah right. It’s mostly my fault, I just slam my hand in and under places with out looking first. Here in jersey I have come across very little that stings let alone can puncture 7mm wet suit or a dry suite. All I ever see is pencil urchins Atlantic anemones some type of gorgerins, and some coral. Some of the sponge is pretty bright colored. I was thinking of fraging some of the stuff and bring it up with caution of course and see what happens. Pretty much my whole cleaning crew is from the jersey waters couple of yards out and anywhere from 30 to 50 foot deep. I really don’t worry about the cleaning crew being bad since I only grab the snails that are shifting sand or on the rocks eating the algae and same with the hermits. I have read that it’s a bad idea and maybe it is for some, but 3 yr old fish tank w/no problems or death, one or two but you can get those results from a fish store. My reef tank has had no problems either. This summer I’ll be adopting more cleaners for my reef tank and maybe some small frags of stuff.