elegance coral sting


Active Member
Originally Posted by lbaskball
Really? Well first off thank you for the advice. I did hear that fire corals are pretty bad. I just didnt understand because I have touched the frogspawn coral (literally its tenticles) and same with the elgance coral and have not gotten stun. Or at least I didnt feel a sting. So I was wondering, do they deliver the sting whenever they want to? Or is it just...whenever you touch it, you will get stung? I work with a lot of chemicals (gasoline, oil, etc) since I work in the automotive industry and I dont know if my hands are sort of "used" to anything....because I havn't yet gotten stung. But thanks for the info and it all sounds pretty serious if someone can go into shock. I will be using gloves from now on since I bought some.
going back to your post. I see my corals tentacles and have been stuck to them, not stung. They stick to you like that octopus you used to get in the box of coco puffs that you threw against the wall and it "walked" down the wall. I have taken a hit from my condi it stuck to my finger and the other tentacles came around and gave me a little sting. They call the feeder tentacles "sweepers" from what I can gather they are the ones that sting kind of like for defense and feeding. When you think about it, it makes sense, feeding = got to sting my food. Defense = sting that "idiot" who keeps putting his hands by me. So what I make of it using my bubble coral if it just a bunch of bubbles with little nubs I can clean by it, if long little strings are swaying above it, it’s a no go. I maybe wrong but that what I make of it.


Originally Posted by sharkbait9
going back to your post. I see my corals tentacles and have been stuck to them, not stung. They stick to you like that octopus you used to get in the box of coco puffs that you threw against the wall and it "walked" down the wall. I have taken a hit from my condi it stuck to my finger and the other tentacles came around and gave me a little sting. They call the feeder tentacles "sweepers" from what I can gather they are the ones that sting kind of like for defense and feeding. When you think about it, it makes sense, feeding = got to sting my food. Defense = sting that "idiot" who keeps putting his hands by me. So what I make of it using my bubble coral if it just a bunch of bubbles with little nubs I can clean by it, if long little strings are swaying above it, it’s a no go. I maybe wrong but that what I make of it.
sorry to reply about this so late haha. So the feeder tentacles are the ones that gives the sting? Hmm..I see lot of tentacles that are long, looks like a nylon string that just waves back and forth in the water at night. How come they come out of my live rocks where there are no corals? Is that right? I see them come out of my corals too.
Thanks for your explanations. Its clearing out some of the things I see in my tank at night because I really have been having a tough time identifying feeder tentacles for my corals. I have yet to see feeder tentacles for my frogspawn, elegance, and hammer. I see the feeder tentacles for my brain, and sun coral, they are really short and at night they are out and open.