Is this the same study dburr?
Yes it is. Eric asked the owner of my LFS to set up some tanks and house some corals from different places and study them. That hasn't taken place yet.
Have u personally met Eric Bournman at your local fish store???
No, I haven't meet him and yes he has been at the store. My point was your point, where is the info coming from. Didn't mean to offend you, or did you post that to shove it in my face that they study marine life?
Let me ask this, have they studied that coral for any amount of time? Have they tried to find out why they don't keep well? or maybe they just assumed it was a bacterial infection. Why is it some do well longer than others? If it was an infection, they would all do bad.
If you don't believe what im saying, your brain~your choise.
All i'm saying is, he's tring to figure this out, bottom line. Who cares who said what.
Cincy, i agree. Overskimming also doesn't seem to do well with them. The bacteria is being looked at, not in stone. It is a suspition. (sp) Nobody knows yet. It could have alot to do with collection or trasport for all I know.
Also, "hardy" years ago was to keep any coral alive for a few months.