I heard..the number one reason they usually die is because they get damaged by either shipping or by the aquarists when they place it in their aquarium. I have an elegance coral, so far it is alive. In July it will be 5months old. So far, it is doing good, it is fully open and large and very sticky when I touch it.
Here are my tank specs:
Tank size: 24gal nano
Lighting: 150watt metal halides, 10,000K and one 36watt 50/50 PC light
Water turnover rate: 880GPH (external filter = 300gph, powerhead 1 290gph, powerhead 2 290gph)
Tank temp: 81.0- 82.5
Nitrite:near 0
ph- 8.2-8.3
I hope this thread will keep going. I would like to keep an update of those of you who has an elegance coral and how it is doing.