elegance coral


hey all
i have one sad coral a elegance coral that is only parcaly opening latly it seems to open more when i give it shade i bought it 3 mos ago and it loved the top of the tank i was thinking about fresh water dipping it becuase of disease they carrie but i was wondering where you guys-gals keep yours and how much light you give them....rob


Hi Robster these are the conditions they like,
Low to Med Lighting (Standard, VHO, compacts, Halide)
Low to medium water current
Med aggression
Recommended to moderate through advanced hobbyist.
Photosynthetic, no direct food required, Phytoplankton does accelerate growth and color. hope this will help you more, good luck. Missy


hey all
i dipped this coral when i first bought it 3 mos ago and it has the same conditions that missy coral spoke of the tank is over 2yrs old does a dip sound out of the ? or could it be just a faze its going through?