elegance coral


Active Member
What does everyone know about elegance coral? I think that the coral is beautiful and I would like to hear about peoples experiences with it.

nm reef

Active Member
Despite hearing that they were difficult to keep I had one....had is the operative word...did fine for about a month then rapidly deteriorated.....lost it totally in a week...........personally I may never try one again....but I have seen and heard of people having good results......bottom line...research and make an informed decission...if you get one and it does well let me know...beautiful coral.....


I have an elegance.
He has been in my tank now about 6 months and has definitely gotten bigger.
Honestly, I couldn't really tell ya what Im doing right/wrong. Its in my 50 which is almost 100% reef (barely any fish and barely any shrimp) so I tend to hit the tank up with phytoplankton, Reef Solutions, and some frozen foods from time to time.
Something of note. That tank only has PCs and doesnt have a hallide on it. Not sure, but maybe they are lower lighting? He is on the bottom.


Active Member
I'v heard that they need to be aclimated to light.Star with a covered area and then gradually move them to more light.
I had a large neon green purple tipped elagence for about 4 months.It was doing great and had actually grown.He was eating silversides regulary and would swell up so big at times that he looked like he was about to pop.Then out of no where it died very rapidly.Could'nt tell you why either.Now he's just a pretty bleached skelaton in my room.


i have an elegance and its doing fine ihave a halide canopy with actinics and it opens up great. first one ive had in 4 years and looks good


Oh!! Speaking of light.
I dont know if this is a factor or not, but i have a TON of caluerpa growing right above it. Possibly giving it shade (?)


Oh!! Speaking of light.
I dont know if this is a factor or not, but i have a TON of caluerpa growing right above it. Possibly giving it shade (?)


I've had mine for about a year. I have it high up on the rocks in medium current. I only have pc lights. I feed mine silver sides, squid and krill soaked in zoe. I dose DT's too. It has really grown large since I got it. Borneman has some really great info on them, both in his book(s) and on the web. Awsome corals.