Elegance coral?


Originally Posted by oceana
this is not true. they dont need light but it does them no harm. just be sure to spot feed it a few times a week.
here is a clip from this post
Sun coral need one thing other then good water to live and that is high concentrations of food to EACH polyp in order to thrive. To reach this level of food you would have to dose HUGE amounts of food into your tank. This of course would be very bad for your bio load not to mention expensive.
With the method I described in the above post you can achieve this high level of food directly around the coral with only a small amount of food. The end result is a very happy coral. A happy wallet and a happy tank.
You DO NOT have to put this coral in low light. It does not mater where you put it. It could give a rats azs about light. It gains nothing from it nor is it bothered by it.
You need good flow on this coral to keep it from being over come by algae. This is one of the reasons it grows in dark places on the reefs is to keep the algae( which do need light) away. Also light needing corals grow much faster and it would be quickly over run while trying to compete for food out on the reefs. Under over hangs and in the dark give the coral the perfect “natural environment to thrive. However in our reefs as long as we provide them with proper feeding they can be placed any place you wish.
hey thanks alot this really helps
...last night I did move him into a cave and he actually bloomed for the first time since I owned him....Ok now what do i feed him? and since light isnt really a big deal its more the food intake what is it that i need to feed it? and can i get it at "tfs"?


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Iodine dip,Put it in shade,and gently blow off slime with turkey baster every time it forms up.And if you can put it in QT to keep the critters of it.
yea and when i got home from work tonight I think the elegance is done, I stuck it in a less lit area but the crabs wont leave it alone and I dont have a box...I think im just gonna make one out of some glad wear for now till i can get to "tfs"


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Iodine dip,Put it in shade,and gently blow off slime with turkey baster every time it forms up.And if you can put it in QT to keep the critters of it.
well I moved it, i put it in a box to keep the crabs away, got some iodine. But i think its to late for that thing...anybody else got any ideas???
sorry to hear that. i would feed the sun coral mysis or brine shrimp everyday. get some frozen food, put it in a cup with tank water, melt it, and feed it with a syringe or put an empty 2-liter over it and feed them that way. i had one but i let it die because i got tired of feeding it everyday. it is pretty, but too much work for someone with a tall tank and who is lazy.