elegance coral


mr hanky

i have a purple tip elegance coral that is new to my tank.it is about a week old in my tank. it spread out the first day or two and now it is closed and retracting into the skeleton. it is 150gal w/660 watts of lighting good skimmer and flow lots of coraline and all levels show good. it is near the top of the tank w/ very little strong current near it? any ideas why it would act like this? please help!!!!

mr hanky

i went home at lunch and checked the elegance out he is about half open now (only right half) do you think im just worried and should give it more time? or do you think i should be worried ? just looking for answers!!!! i know sometimes its better not to worry so?!!!! thanks for the advice!!!


mr hanky,
There's actually an article in FAMA magazine this month describing the latest difficulties in keeping elegance coral. Golfish is right about mini-reefs being too clean for them. Elegance can literally be found in mud. Your problem may be directly linked to the bacterial infection the article described.


elegance corals do fine in my tank probably because i dont really touch it or do anything except add and change the water.