elegance coral



Does anyone know how many heads an elegance coral gets. When I got mine about a month and a half ago it had 3 now it has 4.


Thanks. I have always wanted one and finally convinced the husband to get me one


i have always wanted one to because how pretty they are, but heard they are almost impossible to keep. what do u feed and what lighting?


I have mine on a rock about mid tank. I feed marine snow and oyster feast.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by abeandlulu http:///forum/thread/380713/elegance-coral#post_3314068
I have mine on a rock about mid tank. I feed marine snow and oyster feast.

How long have you had it?
Oyster feast is good, marine snow is garbage. From what have read they like the sand not rock, and turn it on its side. I too have lost corals to sand siffting gobies, they plug the pores with sand and they can't feed or open. That's why I have no corals that need to be kept in the sand. all corals, even on the rocks I turn their sides. However I read someplace that Elegance corals like to be in the sand and on their side.


I have had it for about a month and a half to 2 months. it seems to like it on the rock. It is on it side. Do you think I should move it?


Well-Known Member

If you don't have a sand sifter goby...move it to the bottom of the tank in the sand on its side. It being all spread out like it is in your pictures is not what they look like in the photos I have seen of them. They look like all tentacles..yours is all splayed out and all mouth. You can always move it back if it is unhappy...but try it and see, handle it as little as possible when you move it.
I did some searching, they like bright lights like an anemone...feed it small chunks of raw shrimp, they will eat small fish, shrimp and even snails. They also eat fish poop, phytoplankton, and cyclops. My book says position low in the tank, they prefer sand but can be put on rock...on thier side
Hope this helps.


Active Member
If it is doing well don't move it IMO. They live in shallow muddy murky water in the wild. Low-medium/diffuse, VHO or power compacts are fine, light and high organic nutrient concentrations. Very little water movement. In my reading they do best in a species type tank with grasses, no skimmer with no other coral around them.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/thread/380713/elegance-coral#post_3314222
If it is doing well don't move it IMO. They live in shallow muddy murky water in the wild. Low-medium/diffuse, VHO or power compacts are fine, light and high organic nutrient concentrations. Very little water movement. In my reading they do best in a species type tank with grasses, no skimmer with no other coral around them.

Doesn't it look stressed to you? It has hardly any tentacles it's all mouth. The Elegance is always very flowing with tentacles...but I'm no expert, I'm going on what I see in books.


Active Member
Nope looks fine to me. I think maybe the OP had hisher pumps off to take the pics so that is why the tentacles look droopy.


Well-Known Member

Ah, that would make sense. I agree with you, if it isn't broke don't fix it. If the coral is fine then leave it alone.


I did have the pumps off to get the pic of all 4 mouths. I havent moved it yet. maybe I will wait to see how it goes.