Elegance Question


I placed a pink tip elegance in my tank last weekend. As of now it looks great. Are there any seacret trick or tips to this coral? This is my second try with an elegance and I want it to be a sucess. I even had a small piece of krill land in it and the elegance sucked it up. Please and special tip would help.


I have had my elegance from the start of my tank...this thing has been through HELL AND BACK! ~SERIOUSLY~ I would consider them (or at least my specimen) to be one of the most hardiest corals on the market...Mine is high in the tank w/ medium to low flow and seems to like low light as apposed to MH. I also feed him feeder fish directly. Loves them and you notice groth quikly with large feeding regimens. Same is true for the regulation of groth...stop feeding large pieces of fish and it will filter feed and photosynthisize.....


Active Member
Unfortunately there now appears to be an issue with elegance corals with many people reporting losses of newly purchased corals. I believe Mr. Borneman, who has an excellent coral book, is working on a study on this issue.
In short, you may be fine, or there may be nothing you can do :(


i had purchased a purple tip elegange that didnt last more than 2 weeks in my tank. and I keep some sps so the water quality was not an issue. just slowly declined.


Active Member
Sad to say, I to lost mine in about 3 weeks. I received it directly from the distributer, never hit the stores tank. Ate shrimp & silversides....all looked good.....then it just melted away.
Like fishamajig, I have softies & stonies with no issues. This one is now on my "Do not attempt again" list.


Well, I have one now. When I got him he looked real good. He started melting away then I moved him to my frag tank that I just got set up and cycled. I have him about 11 inches from the light and he is looking real good. I feed him 2 times a day now. He is not a real good filter feeder because I feed my main reef tank 5 ml of food a day. Then once a week I shut off my sump and I leave on my Power heads and I put sinking food in and just go to town and get food all in everything. After a hour or so I suck all of the food out and do a 10% water change. All my mushrooms will be rounded over because they are eating the food. My tank loves the be feed that way. The reason I do this is because I have spent over $3000 in 4 months in my tank and I will not let anything die or my wife will kill me HAHA. I test everything every day and keep a chart of all the lvls. The strange thing is I have never needed to add Calcium to my tank. It stays at about 430 to 465. I do have about 5 lb of Crush Coral in my sump. Is that what is holding my Calcium lvls? My buffering is real good also, and Ph runs about 8.4. I do not add anything to lower it because it is working and everything is gorwing like mad. My green start poylps grow at about 1/8th a inch a month now. I have frags of my White Start Poylps on ----. Check them out. My user name is Joshd123 And my store name is An Open Door. And, the other strange thing is My tank was cycled in 2 weeks. The local pet store freeked out. I have had coral in there from week 3. And a Manderan Goby Lawnmower Blenny, Yellow tank, Star Polyps, Clearer shrimp, and Peppermint shrimp from the third week. I did buy 120 lbs of The best L/R and 100 lbs of Wet Live sand. And I built my own sump out of a 20 fish tank. I did have Power heads but I had WAY to much current. The reason why is because I have a 105 gallon tank and I use a 2000 GPH sump pump. I use the pump for power heads also now =-) The reason I got a bigger sump pump is because I was thinking that to get good water flow you need power heads. That is eating up amps/money and just moving water. So, I just added more filters in my sump and now I got about 40 lbs of L/R in my sump and use the 2000 GPH sump pump to do everything. I hope that after bragging on my setup I dont have a crash in my system. I'm sure I do have stuff I could do better. I have only been doing saltwater for about 4 or 5 months now. I read everything I can get my hands on. If anyone can give me some tips of what i am doing is good or bad talk away. You can even FLAME me if ya want. Just as long as I learn and save my investment.


well guys thanks for all the help and tips. My elegange looks like it is fading away. One day the thing is wide open and then its not open for a couple of days. I dont think I will ever get another one.


I feel sorry for all those that failed to keep their elegance becuase it is a BEUTIFUL coral. I dont know what im doing different but mine has trippeld its size since i bought it 6 months ago...


Active Member
I purchased a nice one 2 days ago and it's doing great ( knock on wood). I have it under MH lighting, but it's about 2.5' from the bulbs and is in a bit of a shady area, although not completely shady. It has medium flow over it and so far looks happy. I don't feed it anything to be honest.
If mine dies for some unknown reason, I'll post back here again.


Originally Posted by beerkegman
Lets see a picture?

Sure no prob....i am new to this site and my cam. does not do justice to my tank...so as soon as i get a comprable cam. ill tank some picks and post a thread...