

This is one of those corals that some people have luck with and some do not actually alot of people do not have luck with them they are prety hard to keep. What type of lighting are you running? What is your water parameters reading including calcium
My wife just did a check on ammonia and it was barely registering. No Phosphates or nitrates. and calcium is about 375-400. I've never had a problem with elegance before. I suspect that the lfs took this one out of their show tank for a reason.


if you are reading any ammonia that will affect him do a water change ang get your calcium up to about 400 to 450 ppm. Also add iodine, and stronthium and molydium this might help.

nm reef

Active Member
Myself I've never had luck keeping one....but I've only had 1...... :p ... and it died after a few months...
They tend to be difficult to keep and don't like excessive current.....they need a mature stable system ... moderate to high lighting....and possibly a nurtient rich environment.....most say to keep them lower on the reef or on the DSB.....hope yours recovers....someday I may try another....good luck!!


Active Member
They are very sensitive and need to be acclimated to light. If you can dip the coral in a iodine dip and try shading him. They like some current so keep that in mind. Other than that good luck.They really are hard to keep but if done so there are a nice addition to ant reef. Also, don't forget to feed!!!They do requir meaty foods.


i keep mine midway up on my tank with little or no current. he has doubled in size since i first got him in october. i just feed him a shrimp once a week and he loves that stuff.


My elegance has started doing the same thing... Hmmm.. I am going to move it lower in the tank and see how it goes. This is my second attempt at keeping one. The first was destroyed by a bi-color angel. This one opened the first couple of days and now only partially opens. I guess we will both wait and see.