Eletric Bill???


For those of you running metal hallides I was wondering how your electric bill looks. I heard they suck up a lot of juice. I want to run 3 250watt MH and maybe 2 blue VHO's and I figure I would probably have to get a chiller too? Is my assumption correct. I have a 50gal tank now and thiking of upping to a 180. I thought of everything until it dawned on me about the electric bill. Anyone have some feedback?


most people cannot afford cost of chillers; was wandering if there was some way to maybe get one of those small plug in portable coolers & run plumbing through it some how...but will probably depend on how warm it gets in the room where you keep the tank; we make sure to run window unit in the room because we do nto have central air...


Baron: actually MH ballasts are not 100% efficient so the actual power consumed will be higher. My 175W MH consumes closer to 200W


I use MH and It does not effect my electric bill that much. It is well worth what it costs, because of the beauty of them.