Hey y'all, ok, so I'm very excited right now, becuase last night I found this amazing new fish store, and bought a Carpenter's Wrasse. And we're finally ordering our Metal Halides! The carpenter's wrasse didn't look very good in the "drip-bucket", but becuase I had read so much on here about how fish act during acclimation, I pushed through it and left him alone. Then when he was acclimated I put him into the tank, and was kind of worried, becuase of the way he seemed to float/glide down into a crevice in the rock. Luckily for me, it was near the side of the tank, so I could look at him ever now and then. This morning I got up and peeked into the room where the tank is, and BOOM! there he was, bold and beautiful, swimming around like it was his palace.... annnd, then I took a few steps toward the tank.. and he dove into the rocks. So, he's doing well. Well, what I'm trying to say is this; Thanks SO much for all the help I have been given on these forums, becuase I know I never could've gotten to this point without all of your help! Thank you so much!