

Hey y'all, ok, so I'm very excited right now, becuase last night I found this amazing new fish store, and bought a Carpenter's Wrasse. And we're finally ordering our Metal Halides! The carpenter's wrasse didn't look very good in the "drip-bucket", but becuase I had read so much on here about how fish act during acclimation, I pushed through it and left him alone. Then when he was acclimated I put him into the tank, and was kind of worried, becuase of the way he seemed to float/glide down into a crevice in the rock. Luckily for me, it was near the side of the tank, so I could look at him ever now and then. This morning I got up and peeked into the room where the tank is, and BOOM! there he was, bold and beautiful, swimming around like it was his palace.... annnd, then I took a few steps toward the tank.. and he dove into the rocks. So, he's doing well. Well, what I'm trying to say is this; Thanks SO much for all the help I have been given on these forums, becuase I know I never could've gotten to this point without all of your help! Thank you so much!


Yeah, I'm working on that. lol.. I just got a new camera, but I'm still trying to figure out how to upload pics.


Active Member
Yeah it's a pain. Reef keeper told me how. You have to resize the pics to 500 x 500 pixels or smaller to upload them on the forum. After you are done typing your new thread page down until you see manage attachments....click on it and then it asks you to browse for pics to upload.
after you're done adding pics click close and then submit your thread and taaaaaadah!
Good luck!


Active Member
Now that you have added a fish, next additions you will need to QT them. Congrats on your purchase. Barry


Yeah, I'm setting up a qt tank now. is a 20 gallon sufficient?
My tank is 46 gallons.. so I won't be adding any large fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by damselsrck
Yeah, I'm setting up a qt tank now. is a 20 gallon sufficient?
My tank is 46 gallons.. so I won't be adding any large fish.
perfect. Get it cycling use a small heater and hob filter, just right.