Elgence Coral/Mistake?


Ok,I did something I normally don't do.Impulse buy.
Today I purchased a Elegance Coral,and the LFS told me they were hardy and relative easy to take care of.
I come home and googled it,and now seem to be finding out that at 1 time these were a hardy coral,but now not so much.
Die off for no reason after 2-3 months
I was also told they were a peaceful coral,and everything I have read so far states otherwise.
Anybody have any info/insight or experience the can share.
Did I just make a big mistake?
I am VERY new to coral keeping(like a month) so I could really use some advice on this


Originally Posted by 1boatnut
Ok,I did something I normally don't do.Impulse buy.
Today I purchased a Elegance Coral,and the LFS told me they were hardy and relative easy to take care of.
I come home and googled it,and now seem to be finding out that at 1 time these were a hardy coral,but now not so much.
Die off for no reason after 2-3 months
I was also told they were a peaceful coral,and everything I have read so far states otherwise.
Anybody have any info/insight or experience the can share.
Did I just make a big mistake?
I am VERY new to coral keeping(like a month) so I could really use some advice on this
IMO Elegance is a mid-range difficult coral. I've heard numerous opinions on how to keep them best, and most of the time they're opposing.
They are an aggressive coral so don't place anything within its reach and keep in mind that they can expand their reach quite far.
My personal experience is that you need to feed them daily with brine shrimp, micro-plankton or mysis shrimp for them to do well. And put them in medium light, medium water flow.
Good luck.


BTLDreef thanks so much for the imput.
In your opinion given my experience,do you think I should return it for something more in my experience range? OR GIVE IT A GO?
It was a $65.00 coral,so there is alot i can get for the $


I paid $75 for mine...I have an established tank with excellent water...it died in less than 2 weeks...
They are NOT peaceful, but are very sensitive (IMO)...mine got sand thrown on it, and I think it got so mad it just sad the heck with it and died

they are beautiful, but I honestly don't know if I would try another


Originally Posted by 1boatnut
BTLDreef thanks so much for the imput.
In your opinion given my experience,do you think I should return it for something more in my experience range? OR GIVE IT A GO?
It was a $65.00 coral,so there is alot i can get for the $
I'd get something else.. go with some beginner corals, you can get a lot of fast growing corals and/or frags for that price.


Thanks everyone. I did end up bringing it back.
The store owner was a little put out,but he took it back nonetheless.
I picked out another coral that I guess is agressive,but more geared towards beginners(I think)
I got a long tenacle plate coral


I have a LTP....I love it...just make sure the tentacles can't reach anything
heyyyy got a pic??? :)


Originally Posted by 1boatnut
Thanks everyone. I did end up bringing it back.
The store owner was a little put out,but he took it back nonetheless.
I picked out another coral that I guess is agressive,but more geared towards beginners(I think)
I got a long tenacle plate coral
Definitely an easier coral, but probably just as aggressive. It's actually a coral that I plan on getting in the near future. You seem to like the flowing corals? Try Torch, Frogspawn, Hammer and Fox Coral. Have you thought about some easy polyps and zoos (zoanthids) as fillers?
From now on if you see something you like at the LFS, go home and research it a little before you get it, it's honestly the easiest way to learn about the corals. I have a few LFS's near me and most of them employ complete morons that give false information. I've learned the hard way, and know that it's a total pain to try and return something, actually, all of my LFS's will NOT take anything back, even for store credit.


Originally Posted by meowzer
I have a LTP....I love it...just make sure the tentacles can't reach anything
heyyyy got a pic??? :)
Well then I'll rely on your experience

Anything you would like to share on care would be appreciated.
No pics. I'll try to get some,but my photography skills are less then my aquarist skills.

Originally Posted by BTLDreef

Definitely an easier coral, but probably just as aggressive. It's actually a coral that I plan on getting in the near future. You seem to like the flowing corals? Try Torch, Frogspawn, Hammer and Fox Coral. Have you thought about some easy polyps and zoos (zoanthids) as fillers?
From now on if you see something you like at the LFS, go home and research it a little before you get it, it's honestly the easiest way to learn about the corals. I have a few LFS's near me and most of them employ complete morons that give false information. I've learned the hard way, and know that it's a total pain to try and return something, actually, all of my LFS's will NOT take anything back, even for store credit.

Yes my wife prefers flowing Corals.
I was going to buy a hammer from this store yesterday,instead of the Elegence, and they kinda talked me out of it.
I have been involved in Saltwater fish for about 2 years,125 gal Discus tank for about 4 years,but just started with Corals in the last 4-5 weeks.
Currently I have:
Numerous Mushrooms (about 30 or so)
Open Brain
Colt Coral
Glove Coral
Some Star Polyps(2 small frags)
Favia Brain
Trumpet Coral(starting to split heads)
and now the Long Tenacle Plate Coral
I had some zoas,but they detached. They were 3 heads or so.If I try again I think I would start with a larger colony. Although my wife worries as she has read about their toxicity
You are ABSOLUTELY right about research 1st. This is something I normally do,but lost my head when I seen the Elegence,and relied on their knowledge. This store has good prices and nice pieces,but I do wonder about their information.
The other 2 LFS's I deal with are GREAT. When I 1st started Corals,he made me bring in water samples before he would even let me purchase anything.They are very knowledgeable,and always willing to work with me.
Also they both take trades on fish and Coral.
I think once they know you are hooked,they want to keep you on the line

Is the Fox easy? I love that Coral,but I read they are delicate. This guy had HUGE one's for like $65.00
Again guys,thanks for all the imput


Here are a couple of pics I just took.
They are with the lights off and zero flow,as I had the pumps off while feeding the fish.
Sorry,like I said,I'm no photographer



OHHH...it looks nice...what is to the right of it?? be careful it is semi aggressive
You really don't have to do anything....just good water quality, good light, and medium flow...


It is a Lobo.
Yea,I was thinking of flip flopping the Lobo and the Plate as the plate might be getting a little too much flow there. The tenacles are flowing to the right and I was told they should be almost standing straight up and just swaying a little?
Anyhow,thanks. I'll make sure I keep the plate away.
Do you have any idea how far the plate can reach?


Your lobo may be too close to the LTP.
IMO Fox coral is quite easy to take care of. The skeleton is delicate so you have to be careful when placing it, but that's about it. Mine took about a week before it really adjusted and fully opened, but to be completely honest, we didn't acclimate it all that great because it was almost midnight when we got it home and I was no staying up until 2/3am to acclimate a damn coral!
I'm a little crazy and feed my corals weekly (except the Sun Coral from hell that needs to be fed daily, that's my husbands problem). Normally just spot feeding small doses of brine or plankton. Most of my corals don't "need" the food, but I think it helps.
Yeah we have two stores that are great and another that is absolutely horrendous with knowledge. When we first started they tried to tell us that a mandarin would be fine in a 14G BioCube that had been running for 2 months
Thank goodness we didn't listen. We're lucky, we live on Long Island, there are 3 stores within about 5 miles of us and another 10 or so within half an hour of here. It's great for the hobby, not the wallet!


Originally Posted by 1boatnut
It is a Lobo.
Yea,I was thinking of flip flopping the Lobo and the Plate as the plate might be getting a little too much flow there. The tenacles are flowing to the right and I was told they should be almost standing straight up and just swaying a little?
Anyhow,thanks. I'll make sure I keep the plate away.
Do you have any idea how far the plate can reach?

The LTP can swell up to almost twice it's size. Keep that in mind when keeping any corals near it. It's highly unlikely that you'll see it swell up that much, but if it does, it will cause damage to what it can reach. I see mine swell up more at night.


Fox Coral is supposed to be easy, but I have no personal experience.
If you were thinking about a hammer, torch, or frogspawn.
I would suggest a frogspawn or hammer over the torch.
I have all three, but find the torches to be the most sensitive.


Originally Posted by TruPerc
Fox Coral is supposed to be easy, but I have no personal experience.
If you were thinking about a hammer, torch, or frogspawn.
I would suggest a frogspawn or hammer over the torch.
I have all three, but find the torches to be the most sensitive.
Really? My torch is probably the easiest and least sensitive, and is definitely the fastest growing. My hammer was moved to our bigger tank a week ago and still won't open fully


Originally Posted by BTLDreef
Really? My torch is probably the easiest and least sensitive, and is definitely the fastest growing. My hammer was moved to our bigger tank a week ago and still won't open fully

That has been my experience, and at least a dozen others I know have had the same experience.
I can only speak from that point of view, and what I have read.
Hope your hammer opens soon.


I may just have to get both,although I will be running out of realestate shortly in the 29.
I do have a 75gal reef tank I purchased a couple of years ago sitting in the basement that I may now actually have to set up.
Are there any money tree corals that anybody may know of ?
I promise to frag it often so it won't become extinct