I am not getting any email notice regaring when someone replies to a thread I am subscribed to. The box for recieving email notice is checked automatically. Does this feature just not work, or is there something else I need to do???
Moderators? Any help?
Mine e-mail notification function works. Only stipulation I'm aware of is you actually have to reenter the thread to receive a second, or subsequent, notification.
Hmmm most curious.
All of my threads show up under my subscribed list (which is how I've been keeping track.) But no emails?? Maybe it is because I am new???
Be VERY glad, I accidentally didn't turn off the check on the 'email notification' box for the 'Getting To Know People' thread. You know, the longest one ever? I thought my mailbox was going to blow up between my mom's spam mail and all the replies being posted!
I'm with james. I had to do the same thing. I turned them off, but then they would not show up in my CP, so turned back on, and the flood gates are open.
yep email is correct and the notification option is selected. I like to get the notices just to remind me what threads I participate in. I visit a few other forums as well I found that over time the number of visits on a site gets down to only a few a day. Also, some sites are set up so that you only receive on notice that a new reply to your thread was posted and will not renotify you unless you revisit the site.
I just deactivated and reactivated the notice system. Maybe that'll work.
interesting Rook - the old Microsoft approach - when in doubt reboot.
Mine has never worked ..... of course I am out here more than I am working @ work so I don't really need it ....
I do get the notifications. Promptly, even while I am online in and in the forum (just got interrupted my one now). No idea why some do and some don't.
I get them all the time!!!!! I am with broncofish I shut it down but then couldn't get the cp. I opened it up and bam -20 messages in 2 hours! It is a great idea but they need to give you one response to each message not 20! The only reason I still have it on is because of the user cp(which is a great thing)