Email scams


Active Member
I recently posted an item for sale on Craigs list and got two replies, one from the person I sold it to, and another from one of those lowlifes offering to pay with a certified check, but wait, it somehow was cut for $3100 and after deducting the $100 I was asking for the item, plus an extra $100 for my trouble, could I please send the remainder by ************* back to the buyer as soon as the check clears?

Yeah, well I was born at night, but it wasn't last night buddy! I "took the bait", and after I got the check I toyed with the guy for a couple of days telling him I didn't trust ************* and that he needed to come to my house to pick up the $2900 in cash. After abouit 20 email excahnges, he accused me of trying to scam him and that he was going to alert the authorities if I didn't send him the money that day!
That was the biggest laugh I have gotten in a long, long time! Un-Fing beleivable! Kinda funny too considering that every Craigslist post and reply has a scam alert warning about just these type of scams attached. At least this scumbag spent a few bucks on a next day UPS air letter to get the "check" to me


Well-Known Member
I got an email saying that I had won $1000 in a drawing. They faxed me a prize form that asked for my name, office phone number and social security number (to report the payment to the IRS). So I sent the form back with a fake ss number, and 2 weeks later I got a check for $1000, and (get ready for this...) it cleared! Seems that the drawing was an inducement for a questionnaire I had filled out some time earlier, and had forgotten about. With all the scams on line, go figger that there would be a legitimate one.


Active Member
Now you can pass his address to FBI and they'll take over.
Man I wish I could have been a fly in the wall at his place when he figured out he got scammed too


Active Member
well I hope you dont get in any trouble.. yes those are well known scams.. but what is really stopping this person from goign to the authorities and being like this scammer ( you) stole my money and blah blah blah, then making you into the "scammer" lol I have always wondered about that. I think what you did is funny as can b!
and that 1000 dollar thing.. if you sent them fake info... how did they send you the check and I believe you just scammed the US gov out of taxes lol


Active Member
What happens when they send you a CERTIFIED CHECK and you deposit it. Why dont you wait till it clears? Or does the guy want the money right away? Or once your bank discovers its a fraud, they deduct that amount from your account? Or Since they have those computers that scan ROUTING numbers cant they know the check is fake in the first place? I dont get that scam by the O.P.


Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
What happens when they send you a CERTIFIED CHECK and you deposit it. Why dont you wait till it clears? Or does the guy want the money right away? Or once your bank discovers its a fraud, they deduct that amount from your account? Or Since they have those computers that scan ROUTING numbers cant they know the check is fake in the first place? I dont get that scam by the O.P.
Once the bank figures out its a fraud you have to pay for the bounced check.


Active Member
Yeah, it is hard to understand in this day of electronic notification and instant "verification". What happens with these checks is that the routing numbers, bank numbers, etc are legit so your bank will cash the check. However, when the actual document is presented to the "issuing" bank, it is then discovered to be a fraud and whoever presented the check is held responsible for it. This scam is so well known, that it's hard to beleive that it still goes on. Even the Nigerian bank 28 million dollar scam seems to have faded away.
When I finally let the scammer know that he, and not I, had been taken, I used a lot of very bad words unsuitable for Other wise, I would love to share it with y'all! I never got the scammers address-I was trying to lure him out by telling him that I had cash at my house ready to pick up, but it didn't work.


Active Member
lol ya scammers will never meet you somewhere. can you PM me what you told them? I wanna know now :) or Pm me and I will giv eyou an E-mail addy so SWF can't say anythign about it


Active Member
That happened to my friend a while ago and he fell for it.... He had sold some spice girls stuff on ---- for $100 and the guy sent him a check for $1500... I told him he was dumb bc who in their right mind would send him more money than what they owe? lol
I feel bad for older people because they usually fall for that stuff.
I love this email scam that I received about a month ago lol...
I have interest of investing in your country as well as seek your services in a private and confidential matter. I am a senior Auditor heading computing department here in our bank.
On my routine inspection I discovered a dormant domiciliary account with a Balance of ($15.000 Million USD}.I write to seek your indulgence and assistance in transferring this fund to your country through legal means.
My proposition is for you to stand-in as the next of kin to the Depositor. As stated above, he died without making a" WILL". I shall be able to employ the services of an attorney to arrange the transfer of rights and privileges of the deceased to you and to make this transfer to a designated bank account of your choice in your country for investment. At the conclusion of this transaction, you will be given 40% of the total amount, 60% will be for me and my Bank colleagues who will help make this business a success.
Kindly send your details to intensify your interest in this transaction; Name Age and occupation, Direct Telephone.
If your response is of me for Comprehensive details (00226)767 410 41, I shall then provide you with more details, Let me know if you can handle it.
Dr. Ibrahim Mohammad
Contact me on my private Email:
NOTE: Please if however, you are not disposed to assist, kindly delete this email in view of the confidentiality and let me know as soon as possible to enable me look for Capable one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
I got an email saying that I had won $1000 in a drawing. They faxed me a prize form that asked for my name, office phone number and social security number (to report the payment to the IRS). So I sent the form back with a fake ss number, and 2 weeks later I got a check for $1000, and (get ready for this...) it cleared! Seems that the drawing was an inducement for a questionnaire I had filled out some time earlier, and had forgotten about. With all the scams on line, go figger that there would be a legitimate one.

So some poor slob with the SS number you made up is going to have the IRS trying to ding them for an extra grand in income next year


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by SilverDak
and that 1000 dollar thing.. if you sent them fake info... how did they send you the check and I believe you just scammed the US gov out of taxes lol
Nope. I get audited often enough that I reported the $$ as miscellaneous income.


Anyone get the ones where there's a widowed women in South Africa, and she owns a active gold mine, but you have to send her some cash so she can run away from the extremists there by getting out of the country and to America, and then she will give the gold mine and a vast amount of riches. I get those weekly, except every time its from a different country and its a new generic name


Active Member
The sad thing is-there must be some people who fall for these scams or else they wouldn't keep trying. Even if it's one in a couple of thousand who respond and eventually get taken, and they get one or two a week, that's a living.


Active Member
What did the certified check look like? You should scan it and post it. I'm curious, why not try to get it cashed by the "issuing bank?" If it was something real.
I still like the one I got, I can't go pick up the item, but I'm going to send my movers with a check...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
What did the certified check look like? You should scan it and post it. I'm curious, why not try to get it cashed by the "issuing bank?" If it was something real.
I still like the one I got, I can't go pick up the item, but I'm going to send my movers with a check...

Here's a scan of the check-looks "real", and yeah, I had second thoughts about it, like what if it's actually a real check, and some dummies account manager really made a mistake and cut the check for $3100 instead of the $100 it was supposed to be for? What if I could cash it and actually get all that cash for myself and to heck with the guy i was supposed to send the excess funds to?
Nah, common sense sez no way Jose, it's fake through and through. Was good fo a few laughs though! The name is a fake, BTW.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nordy
Here's a scan of the check-looks "real", and yeah, I had second thoughts about it, like what if it's actually a real check, and some dummies account manager really made a mistake and cut the check for $3100 instead of the $100 it was supposed to be for? What if I could cash it and actually get all that cash for myself and to heck with the guy i was supposed to send the excess funds to?
Nah, common sense sez no way Jose, it's fake through and through. Was good fo a few laughs though! The name is a fake, BTW.
The woodlands where my wife works.


Active Member
I know this is an old thread, but I remembered seeing it a while back...
I put a leather couch for sale on craigslist this weekend. I got a response from a guy telling me that he'd send me a money order for $30 more than the cost of the couch if I could hold it for him since he is out of town. Of course I am not going to sell it to him but I am tempted to toy with him. The only thing is that I dont think I want to give him my address to send the money order to.


Active Member
Dragon, why dont you wait and get the check and deposit it.. Wait till it CLEARS then send sell him the couch..where can there be a scam if the money is already in your account? Assuming you have a po box he can send it to if you a concerned in that area as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Dragon, why dont you wait and get the check and deposit it.. Wait till it CLEARS then send sell him the couch..where can there be a scam if the money is already in your account? Assuming you have a po box he can send it to if you a concerned in that area as well.
If the money order turns out to be a fake though wont I be liable for my bank fees?
This is the email that the guy sent to me. His grammar and sentence style definitely make it seem like English is not his first language. Not that that's a problem, but I know most of these scammers are from other countries.
Thanks for the response.I am willing to pay your asking price.I will pay by a money order as its the only way i can pay you at the moment.I will make arrangement for the pickup after payment have been received by you.I don't mind adding an extra $30 so you can keep it in my favor.I would have loved to come take a look at it but i am presently out of town,send me some pictures.Reply with your name,phone # and mailing address where payment will be sent.I will let you know how i intend to pick it up.Please take the posting off craigslist today and consider it sold to me.
Expecting to hear from you soon.
Warm Regards.