Emerald conquers Percula?


Last night my emerald caught and ate my healthy percula...pulled it out right as he started taking bites. Should I be surprised?


No... they're oppertunistic feeders... overall I've lost 3 firefish goby, 3 percs, 9 chromis, yellow tang, blue hippo tang, 5 bangaii's just to name a few... all to my grab happy cleaning crews!!


Active Member
Feed them a little more maybe that will tame them a little. I have 5 and they are very well fed.


Originally Posted by JoshRadio
No... they're oppertunistic feeders... overall I've lost 3 firefish goby, 3 percs, 9 chromis, yellow tang, blue hippo tang, 5 bangaii's just to name a few... all to my grab happy cleaning crews!!
You've lost 22 fish to emerald crabs? :notsure:


Originally Posted by dskrezyna
You've lost 22 fish to emerald crabs? :notsure:
I've had 7 tanks so far... 4 currently... and 22 fish, aren't that bad... I do skimp on feeding as often to cut down other problems...


plus my emeralds were Schwarzeneggar sized... one guy was about the size of a half dollar on the main body, with claws, about the size of a med tangerine!


My Emeralds have gotten 5 of my fish in the last few months I have several you seldom see them, but there huge


OK so I'm new to the hobby, an am surprised that an emerald will catch & eat fish. How big were the fish they caught? Sounds to me like emeralds and not a good bet for a 24 gallon community tank even though they are neat to watch and do a good job at collecting tank garbage etc.


Im glad I read this thread I almost purchased three emaralds!!! I will never put one of those guys in my tank now..
Don't want to take any chances with my fish lives.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JoshRadio
plus my emeralds were Schwarzeneggar sized... one guy was about the size of a half dollar on the main body, with claws, about the size of a med tangerine!

i was gonna say...
how does an emerald take down a tang :notsure:
doesnt sound right to me.


Active Member
i have never heard of an emerald crab catching and eating a fish. they are one of the only known peaceful crabs , as most are a risky bet, but emeralds are not. their claws are flat for tearing off algae, and not sharp for piercing flesh. they are voracious algae eaters. not to be rude but i dont think your emeralds are the killers, just the scape goat for some other problem, because they jumped on a freshly dead meal.


Active Member
/agree with saltnoob
there's something underlying killing your fish, not the crab. the crabs are just the cleanup crew. i guess it's to each his own. some people like cleanup and some like fish. some like reef. feeder fish.


Originally Posted by saltn00b
i have never heard of an emerald crab catching and eating a fish. they are one of the only known peaceful crabs , as most are a risky bet, but emeralds are not. their claws are flat for tearing off algae, and not sharp for piercing flesh. they are voracious algae eaters. not to be rude but i dont think your emeralds are the killers, just the scape goat for some other problem, because they jumped on a freshly dead meal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by julie853
Im glad I read this thread I almost purchased three emaralds!!! I will never put one of those guys in my tank now..
Don't want to take any chances with my fish lives.

Sorry to see a post like this scare you off from buying a peaceful crab. Although they are opportunistic I have never heard of one killing a fish. I have heard of them eating already dead or dieing fish though. I think they are cool and are good at cleaning the tank up. I have a 90 gallon tank with 4 of these and never a problem.
I can't believe an emerald crab killed a clownfish let alone 22 fish. I think something else is going on there.


Maybe I've written them off to soon.I think I'll do some more reading before I say never to the little guys.
I sure do need some good alge eaters.


I've always had emeralds in my tank, and though they will jump at the opportunity to eat a fish that has already died, never have I had a problem with them catching and eating my fish. I find this hard to imagine!! My mom has a King Kong sized emerald in her tank and her fish are fine as well!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bugapash
Last night my emerald caught and ate my healthy percula...pulled it out right as he started taking bites. Should I be surprised?
Did u actually witness the crab bring down the fish?