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What maintenance do you do on your filter? And filter sponges? It may get sucked into the filter but their it will rot and create nitrates. The nitrate issue can be worse than you think, both in terms of the actual test kit and because the algae use it before it is measured. Do you have a phosphate reading?
What is your water change schedule? Do you use tap water?
IMO, the emerald was more likely eating a dead fish, rather than killing it.
What type of fish have you tried to keep? Have any lived? Over what period of time have you been trying? Are they all from the same store? How did you acclimate them?
It is definitely not normal to lose so many fish
Ok well I took the Emerald back to the store last night because when I got home <from the lfs> I saw him go after my shrimp. He tried to make a move at him as if he was going to attack. I quickly pulled up the rocks, pulled him out and off he went to the store. The other emerald is doing good still eating algae and acting like a normal Emerald crab. Everyone else in the tank is doing well. I did a 10g water change today and all readings were as usual.
I have seen PH fluctuate a little and have been reading up on how to maintain the level.
I have a low phosphate lvl, I use api test kits.
I use RO water.
The only fish I ever had were those 5. 3 died in a matter of a week, 1 died about 10 days later and the last died the other day. I didn't look at each one when I bought them but the ones in the store didn't look healthy at all. I went back yesterday and 4 were in the tank dead. Some had red scratches and infections. I know that 3 died from bacterial infections because I could see the internal bleeding in them. The 4th one must have got sick or scared because he was healthy looking when I got him then his health declined and finally passed. I didn't see any diseases or abnormalities in him except he had no appetite and was hiding. The last one was shy but he ate alot.
These were my first fish after the tank cycled.
I have invertebrates now that seem to be doing ok. I have a sand sifting star which I wont keep for very long but he is doing a good job maintaining the sandbed. I spot feed him to make sure he is getting food ok. My coral banded shrimp is doing well and has molted 2 times already. Peppermint shrimps are doing OK also and I found 2 molts from them too. Nass snails are doing well but I lost a couple astrae and cerith snails. I have some hermits too which seem to be doing ok but a couple died.
I'm a little unsure about gettign another fish or getting a coral because I don't want it to die so i'm hesitant to get anything else until my fear goes away. The green algae seems to be declining slowly but I don't have any noticeable growth of coraline. My calcium and kh lvls are high. I'm not adding any additives because the calcium is already high. The water seems to be much much cleared then it was a week or two ago. I turned down the powerheads and cleaned the canister a couple times already and cut back a little on feedings. The temperature seems to stay between 76 and 78 degrees. 76 in the morning and 78 after halides have been on all day.
I acclimate pretty much everything with drip method. I haven't ever just dumped anything in.