Emerald Crab Changing colors?


Is it normal for a Emerald Crab to change to a white color? He is a smaller Emerald Crab on the top of him it looks like the bottom half of his shell is a off white color. He is eating and foraging fine and seems to be active still.
my parameters are normal
nitrates nitrites - 0
salinity - 1.025
temp steady - 79 80 during the cold months
75 reef lots of live rock nothing aggressive
I have a Choc chip star fish numerous snails hermits and a couple of serpent stars... everything else seems to be doing fine. If there is a problem i would like to catch it before it spreads.
Thank you in advance


Staff member
Fireshrimp, welcome to Saltwaterfish.com! I'm going to move your topic over to the Reef Forum where you should get some help.
How is the crab doing? Do you have live rock?


i have a very big one, about 1-2 inches big maybe more like 1" but still he's huge compareing to the other ones i got.
The only thing that is a little white is it's legs....


When 2 of my 3 did that, I thought they were close to melting, but in fact they ended up dying.


Active Member
Umm. never had a prob with bleaching crabs... but CC stars arent reef safe. and your SG should probably be about 1.024 to 1.027 at all times. if your CC star gets his paws on any of your inverts they are lunch. Good thing CC's are slow. crabs are pretty hardy though (think tidal pool temp and salinity swinging like a porch swing with a couple off teen agers on it) if it dies you should do some serious checking on your basic stats.