Emerald Crab, Info please...


A few questions about Emerald Crabs
1.Will they eat xenia, or zoos or any other corals?
2.Will they fight with blue and/or red leg hermits?
Thanks All


Mine hasn't touched my xenia zoos or other corals.
And he is very shy so he usually isn't where all the other hermits are, so I can only speak for my own but no fights have broke out with the emerald. :)


Mine are pretty peaceful towards everything except when a fish tries to look into the crack or hole they are hiding in, then they just wave a claw at them and thats about it. They ignore my corals and hermits as far as i have seen.


Cool, thanks for the info guys, I like them alot, just wanted to make sure they would be OK before I bought them


Well I have three in my 40g are they are good to have. I have had them over a three months. They are peaceful and have only pushed some of my hermits away when they get to close. One of them lost all its legs on its one side from me moving a rock. But he still gets around and hangs out with the others. He has been like that for about a month. You should get a couple. They are interesting and nice to have.


I got an emerald when I first started my tank in Feb. He was pretty shy and quiet. But one day I bought another and it just so happened to be a female. They mated the next day. After that the male became very protective and will not let any fish near "their rock". As for anenomes, they only pick off the food like brime that they don't eat. At first I thought they were eating them but I watched a little longer and say that it was the shrimp they were after. They will steal food right out of the anenomes mouth too. Try to get a pair. They are much more entertaining


I got an emerald when I first started my tank in Feb. He was pretty shy and quiet. But one day I bought another and it just so happened to be a female. They mated the next day. After that the male became very protective and will not let any fish near "their rock". As for anenomes, they only pick off the food like brime that they don't eat. At first I thought they were eating them but I watched a little longer and say that it was the shrimp they were after. They will steal food right out of the anenomes mouth too. Try to get a pair. They are much more entertaining when u have a pair.


New Member
I have two also, one is quite large with only one pincher and the other is about the size of my pinkie nail. the little one I see every now and again, but the large one I see all the time doing his thing. I have never seen either one of them doing anything distructive.


Active Member
I have an emerald crab that has taken residency in my large fox coral. I am so upset because I have lost 2 polys or flowers since he joined my happy tank. :mad: I have had him for 2 weeks now and he ventures around the rock work, but always comes "home" to the fox coral. I have had this coral for about 1and 1/2 years, has doubled in size and I am afraid that the new "guest" will eventually kill it. Any suggestions? I am hoping that he is happy with his living quarters and doesn't kill anymore of the coral. :notsure: