emerald crab or hermit knocking over corals?


Active Member
I have a candy coral and EVERY single time I come home or just look at my tank after a while, its either on a different side or like today fell off my rock.
What I know is I have one emerald crab somewhere, I see him from time to time and 8 blue legged hermits. And i believe some nudi branches? they look like very very small slugs. They dont look like they would or could knock it over.
So do you think it could be the crabs or something else lurking in the tank?


Active Member
Do you have any snails? They are notorious for knocking things over, especially Mexican Bulldozer (Turbo) snails.


Probably a combination of all three. Get some underwater lr epoxy puddy and stick your frags to rocks with it. It works great and you can break the frag back off if need be. Just lying the frags around randomly on rocks usually won't work and your just wasting your time. Find a suitable spot and epoxy it!!!!!
Here you go: http://www.f3images.com/IMD/aquarium..._aquastick.jpg


Active Member
I'm always putting some of my corals back. I have 100 plus astrea snails, a few big turbos and some nas. snails. Just when I get everythign back where I want they get knocked over again (I also have a bunch of small plugs in the sand... need my frag tank :)


Active Member
i was having the same problem..even gel glue types won't work..so i finally tried the epoxy thing today..so far so good...