emerald crab question


New Member
I came home today to find one emerald dead and the other one eating one of my snails. The one that was dead had the underbody open like it gave birth is this what happend I tested the water and everything is good. I have lost two snails and I didnt know why until today is it normal for them to eat snails. Thanks


Active Member
If the underside of the crab was open it sounds like it molted and that's just the shell. You might try counting your emeralds to make sure. Emerald crabs will eat snails if they are dead but I haven't had any mine eat live ones,


New Member
This is the third snail I have lost. Will the molt look like a whole crab and be green or will it be clear. I still only see one


Active Member
if it looks split open id say its a molt, the crab just cracks it open and escapes from the hole and then will hide for a few days. As for eating your snails thats all in the personality of the creature. My Emerald has never touched anything. So the only advice I could offer there would be to trade it for a new one.


Originally Posted by djm31682
This is the third snail I have lost. Will the molt look like a whole crab and be green or will it be clear. I still only see one
Yes a molt will look just like the crab. They will tend to hide for a few days after molt until their new shell hardens. Give hime a few days he'll show up. As for the snails who knows, they tend to die too. Try to keep them on the glass this will help the anything preying on them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bsd230
Yes a molt will look just like the crab. They will tend to hide for a few days after molt until their new shell hardens. Give hime a few days he'll show up.
The first time mine molted I was sure he died. Emerald crab molts look identical to the crab. After a couple of days, mine emerged bigger and badder than ever!!