Check my signature for my stock list. I have several emerald crabs, and they are fine. I have not seen them eat much algae
but they are fun to have in the tank. I would warn you though, make sure you get green ones. I had a red emerald (they are a little less common) and it was fine, but then went on a killing spree- took out a seahorse, couple peppermint shrimp, my sally lightfoot, and was popping my bubble on my bubble coral. My green ones have been fine. they do scavange, so my guess is that the gramma died, and the emerald was cleaning up. i could be wrong though. THey are quite difficult to remove though, so if you do get one that had a violent streak, it would be hard to get out of the tank. we lucked out with the red emerald, he was so absorbed in popping my bubbles, that i was able to quickly snatch him from behind--- we took him to the LFS and fed him to one of the predatory fish
I think you'd be fine with emerald crabs-- start with a small one if you are worried. To ammend my algae comment from earlier-- they did eat the few bubble algae i had, and i have never seen any bubble agae in my tank again, so maybe they are eating that. but as far as hair algae, they dont touch it.