Emerald Crab Vote


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
imo this is going to be a tight one between blaze and zexx

"sniff sniff" you dont like my picture??? Just kidding, there are some really good pictures in this group. Good luck guys, nice shooting!


Active Member
heh, i liked yours, but...
i am wondering who is voting for SWF.com's... must be admins trying to save a buck LOL.
personally i havent been looking at swf's pics because they don't link directly TO the pic and it takes too long to find it.


Active Member
thats funny, and here I was feeling bad because I thought I was being really lazy. I guess I dont feel so bad if I am not the only one. I have looked at some of theirs, although I like the pictures in a more "natural" setting as opposed to a picture with the fish (or in this case crab) in the corner of a tank with no substrate or what not (actually the SWF emerald is on someones hand). This contest is a great idea.


Active Member
man SWF is getting a lot of votes in this particular poll. I think its going to be a run away between SWF and Zexx. Oh well, maybe I will fair a little better in a different section haha.


The one one SWF.com is very cute, though...you don't think that's a natural setting? A hand? No?

Blaze...yours is great! If only he was a bit more green...
Zexx...great emerald crab shot! Gotta love those legs!


Active Member
Yeah Zexx is going to win this one hands down it seems. His picture is great, at least I got some votes other than my self haha. I really like the shot he has. Blaze's pictures are also very good, although I agree it would be much better if his particular crab was more green. Its still a very good picture, and you cant fault him for the color.


Active Member
I agree that while blazes picture is top notch, unfortunatly the specemin is a full grown less atractive crab, rather than the young bright crab that would be an enticement to buyers. for personal preference I liked Blazes shot best but for marketability I had to go with Zexx, sorry blaze.


I think they were all excellent shots, but i had to go with Zexx as well for the contrast. His shows off the color better with the sharp contrasts; Blaze's crab blends into the rock behind it


Thanks for the votes guys

I wish my crab were a bit greener, but he is so freaking big I think most of his color "stretched" out, he is at least 3 inches big, in one of the pics you can see a 1 inch blue leg behind him, it makes him look like a monster