Emerald Crab ?


Just curious about other people's experience with these critters..
I just saw my resident emerald on Sunday while gazing at my tank. And he is HUGE! He is bigger than both the peppers. And is probably 3 times the size when I got him. Is he going to attack my fish or shrimp(CB and 2 peppers)??


I personally like them and have several. The bodies of my biggest ones are only the size of a quarter or so. They have never bothered anything but I don't know if they will.


I've got two in my tank, a green one and a brown one, I love them, they're always doing something.
However, I did turn the light on last night and found one of them hugging my new rabbit ear coral.

nm reef

Active Member
I have kept emeralds for over 4 years now...some have grown to fairly decent sized beasts....they have never been a problem with corals...fish...snails...shrimp...or other crabs. Lots of people swear they are beasts not to be trusted...but I enjoy havin' them in the reef and they normally are content to munch any algae that sprouts up and they are always eager to clean up any left over foods....:thinking:


Active Member
I have one that finished off all the valonia in my tank then discovered a taste for acro polyps as I discovered late one night a few weeks ago.


Active Member
Mine just grazes for food on the live rock and doesn't bother the corals, fish, or other inverts. Maybe I'm lucky, but all my inhabitants are model reef citizens...unless you count the time my serpent star ate my mettuce nudibranch when he was only trying to eat some algae.


I forgot about the two I had in my fuge....I had to put them in the main tank because they were munchin all my macros


I like them. The only bad experience that I have had with them is that they were responsible for the demise of my yellow polyp colony. I caught a couple of the bigger ones "popping the heads off" and munching on them. The thing that I really like about them is that they are awesome in helping keep nuisance algae under control.:yes: