Emerald Crab

michi yen

New Member
Hi, I am a beginner to salt water tank and I need some advice for keeping emerald crab in a small 8 gallon tank. It seems kind of overly aggressive in a tank this size. Thank you.


It depends on what else you have in the tank with it. Some people have had problems with emeralds picking on their corals. I have about 4 of them in my 29 gallon and haven't had any problems.
If you decide to get 2 emeralds, be careful...I saw the bigger one literally tear the smaller one apart...he ripped the left claw and three left legs off in one night...just FYI

michi yen

New Member
Hi, Thank you people for answering my ??s. I have two crabs now that are fairly small and has hair all over. my tank is only 8 gallon. I hope it's not harmful.


i didnt have any luck with the one i had in a 55 gal. killed four cleaner shrimp!! he was banished back to the LFS.


I know my 55 is very different than your 8, but I have had 2 emeralds in mine for about 1 month with a variety of other creatures and they all get along fine. I have witnessed many encounters between the emeralds and the shrimp and all were peaceful. I guess as with many species in this hobby luck has something to do with it!