emerald crab


Active Member
i don't know if I'd say a common, but yes, some claim emeralds will pick at corals. It certainly is possible your crab has taken a shying for coral. Does he have enough food in the tank? Maybe he's really hungry and doesn't have anything else to eat so he's resorting to corals, or maybe he just likes to eat corals. It's a crab so, who knows.


I have 3 and they always hang out in my finger leather. The coral hates it. They pick at its fingers deep between the polyps I guess you would call it. They don't hurt it, its like they are cleaning out all the caught material in it.


Active Member
I HATE my emerald crab. It has personnally killed two corals, and maimed another coral and one clam. It hates anything new in the tank. All injured creatures have fully recovered, but if i could catch that

he would be gone in a heartbeat. I will never get another emerald crab.