Emerald Crab

craig don

My Emerald crab has been fading in color over the last month. When I got him he was a dark green, now he is more white looking. Is this normal, or is he sick? I have attached a couple of pictures of him. Any feedback would be helpful.


probably just getting ready to molt. mine also changes color and the next thing I know there is an empty shell on the sand and he's hiding for a day or two because he has molted. Watch out as the empty shell will look exactly like a dead emerald crab as you will not be able to see where he got out of the shell, lort's of people are fooled into thinking the crab has died and then it reapears in a couple of days.

craig don

Thanks Hondo,
That's what I was thinking, but it has been such a long time since he started to turn white I was starting to worry.


New Member
Mr. Crabby is fine. Mine did the same thing and they are OK, so the fish store tells me.;)