Emerald crabs reproducing

About 4 weeks ago I saw two of my emerald crabs in what appeared to be an act of reproduction. In the past week I have noticed one of them "nesting" in a hole in the LR. She does not appear to wander far from the hole to feed. Today she was out where I could get a good look at her and she is carrying eggs. Does anyone know their reproductive cycle? How long before we have baby emerald crabs? Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


WOW that would be cool.BTW I caught mine in the act last night.The larger "male" i presume went over to the other crab,kinda flipped it on it's back did whatever for a cpl minutes.then got off walked away and both went to their normal activities.
Is that what yours did?
Yep...the very same. Let us know when you have the little ones and I will do the same.
Living on the coast we go crabbing in the summer, we throw back the females with eggs. Would imagine these emeralds are the same type of reproduction process, they have the same body shape. Males have a longer "key" on their under side than the females.
This is so exciting. I also have baby snails. Must be a happy environment for the critters.


Must be that underwater disco ball...
Emerald crab prices just went for $4 to $7 here in S. jersey so your timing couldnt be better!
Krusk...looks like you are breeding clowns, any luck yet?
Where do you bet algae to feed them? I have 80 lbs of LR in my 55 gallon and just ordered another 80 lbs today...we are cycling a 105 gallon tank to move everything to.
Do I need to isolate the babies when they arrive?