emerald crabs


I pretty new to the world of salt water. I have only had my tank 8mo I had fresh water fish forever. I am just warning you all in case I ask a stupid question. Hear is the question, I have some bubble algae 2-3 small patches but I don't want them to get out of control. I have herd about emerald crabs and was wondering if they are more beneficial or harmful to my reef tank.


There ok but when they get too big they become a bother, i have one i cant get out of my tank it hugh and it continuosly knocks things over, they will help for a while


:happyfish I personally don't think they do all that much good. I think the stuff grows too fast for them to keep up. I used the phosphate out stuff a coulple times to get rid of mine a few years ago, and no sighns of it since. I also took the live rock that had the grape algae on it and took it out and scrubed with a tooth brush, and that helped too. You have to keep the liverock in water in a bucket to prevent die off though, and it's messy. All the emerald crabs are doing really is grazing like cattle, not cutting them off at the source. Good luck, ali:happyfish


I've seen my emeralds eat it, but not all of it. I think they may be farming it. Do you think this is a good way to spread it?


I just got 3 emrald crabs in my 29 gallon (ordered a package from SWF). I put them in yesterday and they immediatley started cleaning the rocks. I'm not sure if they will actually cure the problem or just "farm" the algea, but with three in my tank I'm hoping that they have enough food.


I've always had them. I never see them doing anything but the crab in my 10 gallon died last week and I already have some valonia showing up.


Active Member
We all take a gamble with emerald crabs b/c some will eat the bubble algae & some wont touch it at all. Mine dont touch it. But they dont hurt anything either so its worth a try IMO.


ok then, I'll pick up a couple I have a 150 gal so I'll start with a few. I allready have 20 hermit (red legged) crabs that don't do much but fight with each other, now and then.