emerald crabs


I have two in my tank. They eat algea like crazy!!! They are always busy. I had a bad case of green hair algea and they were non-stop until it was gone!!!


I have one in my tank and he is my favorite crab. Non stop. He actually picks up one grain of sand at a time and eats whatever is on it and spits it back out. He does this almost all day. Fun crab-get one! --Bob


I agree with the consensus, emerald crabs are constant motion, and fun to watch . . . just make certain it won't make a meal for a big trigger or something like it!

nm reef

Active Member
I have 2 in my reef with 20 svcarlets...20 red legs..40 small hermits....emeralds have never botheres anyone......they are in my opinion one of the better additions available to clean-up unwanted algae.......


Would they bother a firefish or jawfish when they sleep? I think I might get one for my algae and then one of those magnet cleaners for the front glass if I can find one at my LFS, not sure the exact name but I know they have magnets nor do I know the cost...


I have 2 in my tank and it is true what everyone is saying, they are a great addition. Mine do not bother anything, just always picking the algae. As for the magnet thing, I bought one and hate it. I have used it a few times and the thing is a joke. It catches alittle piece of sand, then will scratch everything. Or it falls off, then gets sand in it. This is my experience with it, I hope you have better luck. Be careful not to scrath the tank.


New Member
I have to agree with most everything posted so far. My emerald is always picking at something and never comes anywhere near my pearly jaw. Besides, most pearlies seal themselves up for the night under the gravel or a rock.