Emerald Crabs


Active Member
They really dont come out of hiding much do they? I have to search for mine in the rocks to see where he is. Sometimes i find him cuz i see lil bits of algae being spit out
I gotta get another one. Definitely a cool addition to the tank.


Active Member
It depends on how hard they have to look for something to eat. I got 5 with my cleaner crew. I didn't see much of them for several weeks. Now they are out an about, especially at feeding time. I sometimes mix garlic powder with the flake(i forget where I read that) and they ALL go crazy trying to get some. We had hermits and emeralds not to mention the CBS scrambling to get some food. SOme even "jumped" off of the higher parts of the rock to get to the food. WILD!


mine never hides, he always out. its funny to watch him hang out by the sand sifter gobies hole and the sifter tries to pick him up by his claw and move him. lol the crab sticks his claws out trying to gte the gobie. he never does lol.


Active Member
I pretty much know where my bigger emerald is...well, most of the time. My smaller one makes an appearance every once in a while, just to make his presence known...yeah, he's fine. I love to watch them eat, reminds of a little kid eating finger food.
Lisa :happyfish

who dey

Active Member
hey drew! don't know if you have any dreadful bubble algae but if you do? have you noticed your emerald eating it, i'm having a situation with that crap from a bad shroom rock that had it underneath on of the shrroms and i performed surgery outside the tank but somehow it has seemed to spread a bit!!