emerald crabs


Active Member
does anyone elses emerald crab hang out on corals? mine eats seaweed and there is some hair algea in the tank too. he also eats pellets. he just sits on my kenya tree, the kenya doesn't seem to mind. do you think he is bothering it


Active Member
At my LFS they all like to hide under the corals. I have one, as far as i know he doesnt bother my corals, but i dont see him around much.


I have 3 of them and I've never seen them bother any of my corals. But I do have a question about them, How big do they get?


Active Member
Yea, emeralds are strictly algae eaters. Shouldn't bother anything... though I'll agree with another poster, they do knock things over as they get bigger. One keeps knocking my 1 pound rock with mushrooms over... makes me so mad!!!
But truly, they are great additions to a tank.


Active Member
I believe Emeralds are opportunistic and do not solely eat algae. I have wrestled a few fish carcasses away from mine before. Mine never actually killed any fish, but they are on a dead fish or chunk of Prime Reef like a fat kid on a piece of cake!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
I believe Emeralds are opportunistic and do not solely eat algae. I have wrestled a few fish carcasses away from mine before. Mine never actually killed any fish, but they are on a dead fish like a fat kid on a piece of cake!!!!
I have never witnessed an emerald kill a fish. I have never heard of a emerald killing a fish. I don't think they would just sit there and let a fish or something attack them though. Now if it was dead, I'm quite certain an emerald would clean up the mess. My emerald will catch frozen mysis that I feed the fishes. But I doubt very seriously an emerald would kill a fish or a coral for food, unless you were starving him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dskrezyna
IMO, emeralds killing fish is a myth..
I agree in regards to healthy fish. I have read threads of people claiming their emerald attacked their fish but I bet in every instance the fish was already dead or pretty close to it.


Active Member
Like any crabs,IMO they are opportunistic - they can and WILL eat other things, including corals (typically soft corals). This happens primarily when large. I couldn't figure out what was eating my toadstool until I found the largest emerald snacking on it after lights out.


YES - they can knock over things - and I have seen them lift items MUCH bigger than they are - BUT I believe they serve a mighty purpose. I have never seen them destroy anything of value - and only see them munching away at hair algae and leftover foods.
I consider them cleaners and they are doing thier job. Have only lost (1) in 4 months - and it was a monster. Never bothered fish or corals.
Just be sure they are getting food besides algae - and they can even provide entertainment at times.


i think they can reach 2" max. I got one for x-mas a few years ago (named agnus) she was great, kept the tank spotless till she just died one day. I dont think they live too long after reaching 2". I had her for 8 months.


Active Member
I think I posted these a while back after first getting Emerald Crabs.. First day in the tank, this guy went after this Outa-bubble frag.

Have since watch my two closely to see if any more such undesirable behavior. Only once or twice have they ever again done it and always the same types of corals........ Warren



Originally Posted by big
Outa-bubble frag.
What is this coral called??
I have one just
like it in my tank with 3 heads and thought that I was buying frogspawn!