emerald crabs


New Member
I asked everyone a few weeks ago about green algae problems. I was told from several people to get emerald crabs, that they were reef safe and they do a good job on algae. That they did, also I found all three of them eating my hammer when the lights were out. Get advice everyone! If one doesn't have a clue, one should not give advice!


Active Member
For the most part the are algae eating but some do eat corals or meat. You take a chance with any crab you add to your tank.I have had two that have not harmed my corals but have read numerous times of predatory emeralds.


Are you sure that they are eating your hammer or merely picking bits and pcs of microscopic algae of it? I have three Emeralds and I've seen them pick at finger coral and my Toadstool, but after they have their meal on whatever they're eating, I don't see any holes or surface abrasions by the crabs...


Active Member
Sorry to hear that, I haven't even heard of an emerald nipping at coral. My two ( I don't think ) have even come close. The post saying it might just be getting algae off it might have some truth, although I am not for sure. Maybe someone who has had similar expereinces will post. Have you seen the emerald nip the corals? Thanks for the info, I would just watch the little buggers.


How is your hammer coral doing? I am really sorry to hear about your problem. Would you please let us know what size the emeralds are, and if they did any damage.
I have heard in the past the larger emeralds will do some damage, but small ones are highly recommended for bubble algea, not only by those in these forums, but also on other sites. The advice you were given was not bad or incorrect. Unfortunately not all creatures act the same throughout the species.
We totally feel your fustrations, and many of have had our own problems. We can not guarantee the behavior of inverts, only give you general rules that apply. My oldest daughter has a cat the hisses at and totally dislikes most people, but this does not mean all cats are that way.
Once again, we are sorry for your problems, and the advice was not incorrect.


New Member
I got out all 3 of my emeralds and they are doing ok in a different tank (only fish in this tank). My hammer is ok. Hopefully it will grow back what has been eaten. I know this hobby is trial and error and everyone is going to have thier own opinion. I will stay away from ALL crabs in my reef tank, just to play it safe.


Active Member
Unfortunatly one of the only ways to learn something in this hobby is the hard way. What works for one might not for another. I personally have 3 emeralds in my reef without a hitch. I to hate you had a bad experiance though.


when i first started a reef tank shortly after i got alot of green algae on my rock. I asked the same question and got the same answer you got. Bought three and away they went. At the time i had vho's on a 55gal and just about the whole tnk of rock was deep purple and looked great. The next day ( after the crabs) my wife called me in and asked me what was happening. The crabs had a feast on my coraline algae. i called the pet store where I got them and he said that very very rarely happens.. well, it did i didn't give them the satisfaction of going into anyone elses tank they went down the drain.... TRIAL AND ERROR!!!
but it's fun!!

nm reef

Active Member
rhonda...sorry to hear about problems with your hammer coral......as far as emeralds go.....well I've had a few in my reef for over a year now........they are normally busy picking algae....and at times pick from any one of 30 plus corals(includeing a very nice hammer)....never have I seen any damage caused by this activity.....however several months ago I did have a elegance and a frogspawn die......as the tissue started to decay and recede the emeralds did pick and eat the flesh (along with the blue leg & scarlet hermits)after all that is why I got the crabs to begin with....they scavenge and eat un-wanted algae.....are you certain the hammer wasn't in decline prior to the emerald doing its natural task....scavenging?????.....I still say that emeralds can be a positive addition........
I have 2 emerald crabs and neither of them bother anything, there is always a chance though, everyone said that a purple tang will not bother corals but I have one that ate a whole green finger leather. It doesn't bother anything else but it ate that. I guess they are unpredictable, you take a chance with anything.


I have 4 emarld crabs in my tank for the sole purpose of getting rid of bubble algea. I hate that stuff. Have not had a problem with them bothering any corals. Sorry to hear about your problem, but mine have done what I had hoped. Get rid of an algea problem.


Active Member
Originally posted by Saltydog:
<strong>I have 4 emarld crabs in my tank for the sole purpose of getting rid of bubble algea. I hate that stuff. Have not had a problem with them bothering any corals. Sorry to hear about your problem, but mine have done what I had hoped. Get rid of an algea problem.</strong><hr></blockquote>


Active Member
The emerald crabs were most likely eating infected/dying coral flesh. Almost any crab will perform this function. It is my opinion that a healthy reef has no problems with emerald crabs.


I have 4 emeralds and they are eating some algae...but they haven't touched the bubble!!!!! i sure wish they'd find it. they're still right in the same area of the tank that i put them in over 2 months ago.


Active Member
I have emeralds that eat nothing but bubble algae, some that eat nothing but coralline, some that pick at corals, and some that like a little bit of everything. Like said above your taking a risk with any crab. Whoever gave you advice was only trying to help :rolleyes: