emerald crabs


Active Member
I have couple of them in my 55 reef tank and they are doing great, except their coloration makes them hard to see. Cool little crabs!

scopus tang

Active Member
Never had them bother feather dusters (don't have clams), but have seen them eating coralline algae ~ everyone of them I have had is different in both attitude and appetite!

payton 350

i had one that literally pounded on my snails if it caught one....was reluctant to ever get another but now i have two new ones and they are very docile and just mind their own business eating bubble algae, hair and everything else off the rocks....i think i am gonna get 2 more.....they usually are visible at night and under the rocks during the day
I got 2 in a 55gal. 1 has got to be as big as a half dollar and another is starting to get there. They are getting big enough that they reach out and try to grab passing fish sometimes.


I put one in my 46 bowfront on Saturday and haven't seen it since. Not sure if I need to be more patient or go looking for it's dead, decaying carcus.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Never had them bother feather dusters (don't have clams), but have seen them eating coralline algae ~ everyone of them I have had is different in both attitude and appetite!
Try to get them with about a dime size body I have never seen them attack my clam or feather dusters
Randy I'M BACK


Active Member
Originally Posted by sprinter144
I put one in my 46 bowfront on Saturday and haven't seen it since. Not sure if I need to be more patient or go looking for it's dead, decaying carcus.
Not surprising, based on my experience with them. They are not out in the open like my hermits and I can go days without seeing one of mine. Then, I take a look and there they are going about their business, peeking out from behind a rock.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sprinter144
I put one in my 46 bowfront on Saturday and haven't seen it since. Not sure if I need to be more patient or go looking for it's dead, decaying carcus.
check at night with a flash light you well see a whole new tank you never knew you had