EMERGENCY - 12g sprung a leak!!!



i have been in the hobby for about 3 years, have a 12g aquapod running for over 2 years and had been planning on a getting a new tank but now this leak has forced my hand (tank lost over 2 inches of water in 10 hours today spontaneously, left for work and tank was fine, came back and the power head was spouting, there is water leaking from the bottom and back of the tank thanks to the great build quality) and I'm going to go to the lfs bright and early tomorrow to buy a new tank so I can switch over.
if anyone could help me out with some advice TONIGHT i would be forever in your debt:
1. i've been looking at a 30g finnex w/ 150 metal halides that the lfs has for a while now but i would have obviously taken my time cycling that tank before this happened....now i need to think about the change in lighting (64W pcs to 150w MH) as well as more sand, live rock, a new heater, etc. if i decide to go that route. my question is, would this be feasible? could i put in about 14 gallons of my tank water and mix it with 16 gallons of freshly mixed water and put my livestock in right after? what about the sand bed? should i just get new live sand or should i use some of the sand from my old tank (i heard if you mix the sand bed it could cause a spike in ammonia) a lot to think about i know...
2. otherwise, i could go for a more moderate 24g tank or even another 12g tank (which would probably solve most of my problems)...but my main questions are can i switch a tank from 64w pcs to metal halides or do i need to acclimate things to the light? how soon can i add my livestock to the new tank? if its a 12 gallon im assuming immediately, but im not so sure about the 30 gallon...
if anyone has any thoughts i would love to hear them.


Active Member
do you have live rock and how much? what about the filtration, what do you have? with the lights, if you have corals you will need to acclimate them. Use your old sand and add some more and you might get a small cycle, but have plenty of water for a water change ready to go. I would say go with the 30g personally.


i started with 10 lbs live rock, and have added and subtracted over time, but i would say i have about 12-15 lbs. now.
filtration i use purigen, chemipure, nothing else, no protein skimmer or anything like that...however if i were to go with the 30g it has a protein skimmer and a refugium (finnex m-tank)
only corals i have are gsp, rics, and zoas - do i need to light acclimate them and for how long?
how soon can i put in my livestock after i put in the sand, live rock, and water...i can probably get 10-15 gallons of my tank water and then fill the rest with the same mix of water ive been using for the last 2 years...
for the sand should i get a back of live sand like carrib sea?
how much more live rock?


I would definitely go for the finnex, you'll be happier in the long run.
Keep the rocks, fish, corals in 5 gallon buckets or whatever 'til the morning. Keep some water in the bottom of the tank for the sand so there won't be too much die off.
When you get the tank transfer the sand and fill with new water. Try to clear the water as soon as you can (lots of filter floss, sponges, filter socks, heck even clean regular socks).
Because the sand and everything has been in water overnight there should be no die off. You won't cycle again.
As far as light acclimation, just start with a 4 hour photo period (or less if you are really worried). Every two days bump it up an hour. That should be nice and gentle on the corals.


Oh yea, it's only 12 gallons

Buy dead sand, there shouldn't be a cycle with it. Just make sure you rinse it really well. When you get more rock, use a tub or bucket or something to cycle the rock separately then you can safely add it to your tank.
And you can save the water if you want but it is not necessary unless it is a pain to fill the tank quickly.
Just think of this as a LARGE water change lol.


i think im going to buy the finnex in an hour, any last minute tips or suggestions?

small triggers

Active Member
I move a 35g to a 150g over a 3 day period (again just like a BIG water change) as long as the saltwater is ready, there is no problem. Also, does you LFS sell live rock out of an acclimation tank? already cured that is? if so just buy it there, itll be cheaper and easier inthe long run. Go home, set up the new tank, put in your sand a a back of regular sand (or argonite if you prefer) and let it filter overnight with your heaters in the refugium. just make sure that the water is clear before you put your livestock and corals back in.


thanks all for the advice, im currently letting my new 30g finnex tank run overnight and will test parameters before i put all my livestock in tomorrow
wish me luck!