EMERGENCY!! Filter down


My Emperor 400 just went out on me. Should I be concerned at all? I really only use it to polish the water and the polyfiber collects A LOT of stuff. Just has me kind of worried that it may mess up my whole system with lack of water flow and the bio-wheels and all that stuff. I still have my AquaC Remora and 3 MJ1200 powerheads on my 55. Also about 70 pounds of live sand and 60-70 pounds of LR.


Active Member
I wouldn't worry unless it was your primary source of bio filtration. The amount of rock and sand you have should take care of things. How long has the tank been running?


I agree with above post. No worry. When that happened to me I pointed one of the powerheads up at the surface to get the surface movement that the Emp 400 had been providing.