Emergency help needed!! No electric power!!


I'm in the desperate need of help. It seems that part of the neighborhood lost power and I have no idea why to do. So far I've covered my tanks with a bunch of warm blankets and lit up some candles to keep the room warm. We have electric heat, so that's a big problem right now. Any suggestions on what else to do? I'm currently using my iPhone for the Internet =(


Originally Posted by D-Dzel
I'm in the desperate need of help. It seems that part of the neighborhood lost power and I have no idea why to do. So far I've covered my tanks with a bunch of warm blankets and lit up some candles to keep the room warm. We have electric heat, so that's a big problem right now. Any suggestions on what else to do? I'm currently using my iPhone for the Internet =(
How big of a tank and how many fish, more details the better.
If it is short, such as under 1 or 2 hours I am almost positive your fine. You may have to watch your overflow and sump if you have one but other than that wait it out.
IMO thats the worst scenario and there is almost nothing you can do. If its taking a few hours try and warm some ro/di water up and put it in, thats my only idea.


Active Member
Well, lighting is of least importance here. Focus on temperature and circulation. Sounds like you are doing what you can with the blankets, but still expect the water temp. to slowly drop. Just make sure that when the power does come back on that your heater doesn't heat it back up too fast. Heat it back up slowly. Rapid temp. changes will kill livestock faster than the low temp itself. As far as circulation, IDK, I have heard of battery powered air stones and other devices, but if you don't have these handy, the suggestion won't do you any good at this point. If the outage is extended, I suppose an occassional turkey baster aeration would help move some water and let off some oxygen/gas exchange.


My car is way to far away to hook it to the tanks
I have a 29 nano with a pairof clowns, a firefish, jester goby, a bunch of snails and some corals mostly button ployps a anemone, ricordea, pom pom xenia, cup coral, Kenya tree, gsp and frogspawn
A 55g with a jawfish a small yellow eye tang and a small copperbanded
A 120g which is starting to cycle
It just happened 30 min ago


go buy a generator if u can i had the same sittuation 6 months ago no power for 3 days did they say how long ull b out of power


Have you tried calling your electric company to find out why the power is out and get an estimation on how long? That might help you better prepare. I lost power in December during that huge icestorm. My tank went about 36 hours without power. Our generator (bought specifically for my tank) malfunctioned and would not put out electricity. Our house dropped to 40 degrees. I lost all of my fish, some coral, but majority of coral pulled thru and all inverts survived. Good luck. Hopefully power will not be out long.


I called the company and they said that a generator blew up and they were already working on it. They said maybe between 2-3 hours


Active Member
Originally Posted by D-Dzel
I called the company and they said that a generator blew up and they were already working on it. They said maybe between 2-3 hours
cake walk....you should be good

+1 on getting a generator though for future use, even if it's a very small one. At least you would be able to plug something in. I got one a year and half ago, and of course I have not had to use it once, but at least it's there and ready.


if it does last longer and the tank gets too cold, maybe you could boil some water and put into containers and place in tank. so the heat radiates out


This is a great time to get generators around here, which is not far from you. Everyone one bought them for their outages of 2 weeks, and then returned them back to the home depots, or private selling. You could most likely find a good deal! Glad to hear it will only be a few hours. That will be no problem. Thank goodness the weather was so mild today.


Active Member
Originally Posted by woody189
if it does last longer and the tank gets too cold, maybe you could boil some water and put into containers and place in tank. so the heat radiates out
Remember, the power is out, so he would have to do this outside "man vs. wild" style, or either on a gas stove

Are you a boyscout? Because I like this line of thinking come to think about it...
Very resourceful.


Originally Posted by janastasio
This is a great time to get generators around here, which is not far from you. Everyone one bought them for their outages of 2 weeks, and then returned them back to the home depots, or private selling. You could most likely find a good deal! Glad to hear it will only be a few hours. That will be no problem. Thank goodness the weather was so mild today.
Yeah, I'm definitely buying a generator after this and the weather isn't that bad around here either, 30-35's
Originally Posted by woody189
if it does last longer and the tank gets too cold, maybe you could boil some water and put into containers and place in tank. so the heat radiates out

Originally Posted by T316

Remember, the power is out, so he would have to do this outside "man vs. wild" style, or either on a gas stove

Are you a boyscout? Because I like this line of thinking come to think about it...
Very resourceful.
I have all electric stuff, so using the stove won't work, I might end up going outside and boiling some water if it comes to worse


Originally Posted by T316
Remember, the power is out, so he would have to do this outside "man vs. wild" style, or either on a gas stove

Are you a boyscout? Because I like this line of thinking come to think about it...
Very resourceful.
Yah I mentioned that earlier then though of that. If it came down to it though I would boil water over a fire instead of letting my fish die.
Good luck, sounds like you should be fine.
+1 on the generator. This was the best purchase I made for my tank. Hopefully the power is back on by now and your tank is doing better. I procrastinated on it until we lost power for a couple of days... at that point a $400 generator was a no brainer.


After almost 4 hours we got power again. Temperature in the tank stayed around the 78's which is good, I did end up using a turkey baster for the water circulation. This is the first time this has happened in over 20 years that I've been at here and I'm not waiting for the next one. I'm buying a generator

Thanks for the help in my moment of panic!


Originally Posted by D-Dzel
I'm in the desperate need of help. It seems that part of the neighborhood lost power and I have no idea why to do. So far I've covered my tanks with a bunch of warm blankets and lit up some candles to keep the room warm. We have electric heat, so that's a big problem right now. Any suggestions on what else to do? I'm currently using my iPhone for the Internet =(
Dzel....if you or anyone is interested in small generators, please PM me. My hubby's company has them in stock and can get U the site. We live in FL are have power issues all the time;they come in handy for our tanks and are about the size of a case of beer!


Originally Posted by T316
Remember, the power is out, so he would have to do this outside "man vs. wild" style, or either on a gas stove

Are you a boyscout? Because I like this line of thinking come to think about it...
Very resourceful.
LOL...no, i'm not a boyscout. I was gonna mention that he would need a gas stove for it to work, but I figured he would figure that out on his own.
(BTW, I'd hate to burst your bubble, but you know that some of ManVSwild is fixed right? I was so upset when I found that out. Survivorman is all real though, too bad the series is over.)
Originally Posted by D-Dzel

After almost 4 hours we got power again. Temperature in the tank stayed around the 78's which is good, I did end up using a turkey baster for the water circulation. This is the first time this has happened in over 20 years that I've been at here and I'm not waiting for the next one. I'm buying a generator

Thanks for the help in my moment of panic!

I'm glad it worked out.
ANd I laughed at the thought of you circulating the water w/ a baster. Not saying I wouldn't have done the same, but still funny.


Glad it all worked out as well. People would be surprised at what we do for our tanks (aka: Turkey baster for water circ.)! When our power went out, couldnt find the baster, so I was using a straw to blow bubbles in the water. Yeahhhhhhh, cannot credit that to anything surviving! We bought the first generator we found, no one had any! Nice generator, but cost me $1400.00! Dont procrastinate on getting one. In a big outage, everyone buys them and they are not generally heavily stocked in stores.